Welcome !
Visit my website at www.ra-hau.de. There you can find out more about my focus areas. I primarily handle mandates in the areas of criminal law, traffic law, labor law and other civil law.
Criminal law
Are you a defendant in a criminal case? Have you received a summons from the police? Was your apartment searched? Have you been arrested?
I represent you on all matters relating to criminal law.
Tips for dealing with the police and justice system:
1. Be sure to exercise your right to remain silent. This means: Don’t make any statements or have any (supposedly) “harmless” conversations with police officers.
2. Never go to an interview without a lawyer.
3. If you are searched or arrested, call a lawyer immediately. All confiscated items must be recorded in the log. Don’t sign anything.
Traffic law
Have you been accused of a traffic violation or have you received a hearing or a fine?
I represent you on the subject of traffic offenses.
Employment Law
Have you received a termination or warning? Is it about a termination agreement? Is it about your employment contract? Do you have any other questions about labor law? Contact us! You must act immediately, especially if your employment relationship is terminated
Are you interested in advice and would you like to make an appointment? You are welcome to do this by email (rechtsanwalt@ra-hau.de) or by telephone (0711 / 86667).
born in 1973 in Freiburg
Studies and traineeship in Konstanz
Admitted to the bar since 2002
2002 – 2005 Employed lawyer (tax advisor/auditor Mildenberger, Lusch and Partner)
Since 2005, working in a shared office in Stuttgart (Lawyers Seitz and Eggstein) and Filderstadt (Lawyers Haffner)
Yan Hau is listed in Lawyers Filderstadt and Lawyers Germany.
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