Home » today » Entertainment » Top Concerts and Events in Latvia: Intars Rešetins in “Satikšanas”, “Sudden Lights” lielkoncerts, Jans Blomkvist at Art center “Digital Art House”, “Bad Habbits” concert “The Book of Memories”, Joint concert of “Juuk” and “Juris Simanovičs and Bez Greka Ieemtie”, The oldest Latgalian festival “Upites Uobelduorzs”

Top Concerts and Events in Latvia: Intars Rešetins in “Satikšanas”, “Sudden Lights” lielkoncerts, Jans Blomkvist at Art center “Digital Art House”, “Bad Habbits” concert “The Book of Memories”, Joint concert of “Juuk” and “Juris Simanovičs and Bez Greka Ieemtie”, The oldest Latgalian festival “Upites Uobelduorzs”

Intars Rešetins in the concert program “Satikšanas”

Slampe Palace of Culture, September 15

Photo: Eddy Palen / LETA

Actors like to step into the shoes of musicians. I didn’t get to see Intar and his Ziedonis program, but the culprit himself says that “Satikškas” is a concert for the family with the opportunity to talk with the artist afterwards. I know for sure that Intars is a good interlocutor.

“Sudden Lights” lielkoncerts

Mežaparka Green Theatre, September 16

Grupa “Sudden Lights”

Photo: Ričards Zariņš

This summer, one of the brightest Latvian pop music phenomena will conquer Mežaparka. Not yet with the scope of the Great Stage, but the cozier Green Theater. The band already has quite a wide range of recognizable songs and it’s time to expand the audience to get to the next level. What does it need? Trustworthy listeners!

Swedish electronic music artist Jans Blomkvist

Art center “Digital Art House” in Riga, September 16

Swedish electronic music solo artist Jans Blomkvist has found his niche and has performed with great success at such European festivals as “Coachella” and “Burning man”. A couple of million listeners listen to his music every month on the biggest music streaming platform. Are you ready to give it a try? Both artists and event venue in Riga – “Digital Art House” Skolas street 2?

“Bad Habbits” concert “The Book of Memories”

Culture House “Wiktorija” in Liepāja, September 16

The group “Bad Habbits” are guys who know how to give different colors to already known songs. It’s worth typing “I don’t have diamonds” and the name of the band into Internet search engines to listen to how the biggest hit of the 100th debut might sound in a different era and with a different attitude. Or go to a concert. They will also follow elsewhere in Latvia.

Joint concert of “Juuk” and “Juris Simanovičs and Bez Greka Ieemtie”.

In the former World Trade Center “Riga” Elizabetes Street 2, 16 September

The concert will take place in an important place in the center of Riga – Elizabetes Street 2 – in the former building of the World Trade Center and the Central Commission of the Communist Party. The work of Edgar Shubrovskis, Sniedze Prauliņa and their joint ensemble “Juuk” probably cannot be overstated, just as the connoisseurs of the alternative music world know Juri Simanovič from the days of the band “Bärnības Militija”, while “Bez šikma začiteti” at least asked me to look in the depths of the internet – it might be a challenge for ears unaccustomed to independent music.

The oldest Latgalian festival “Upites Uobelduorzs”

Upīte Town Hall, September 16

Folklore, poetry, rock and pop in Latgale and more “The Adventures of the Milkman”! The most famous of Latgalians’ own dowry will be “Dabasu durovys” and the singer Vincents Kūkojs. The event has a long history and its organization has been taken over by Andris Slišāns, a great man of Northern Latgale culture, from his father Onton.


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2023-09-15 08:00:41
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