Home » today » Technology » Top Celestial Phenomena to Witness in November 2023: New Moon Phase and Leonid Meteor Shower

Top Celestial Phenomena to Witness in November 2023: New Moon Phase and Leonid Meteor Shower

I can’t believe we have entered the last two months of 2023. Hopefully our resolutions so far have gone smoothly, okay?

To make your November even more interesting, IDN Times has collected various celestial phenomena that can be witnessed. Ready to color the night sky, here are some of the celestial phenomena of November 2023. Come on, prepare your telescope!

1. New Moon phase on November 13

Moon Illustration (pexels.com/Flickr)

On November 13, there will be a new Moon phase. This is a phenomenon where the Moon is between the Earth and the Sun. During this phase, the Moon will not be exposed to sunlight so it will not be visible.

This is the right time for you to make observations. You can use this time to do Deep Sky or Milky Way astrophotography. Without the interference of Moonlight, you have a greater chance of seeing the planets more clearly.

Also Read: NASA Spacecraft Breaks Record, Comes Closest to the Sun!

2. The Leonid meteor shower peaks on November 18

meteor shower illustration (unsplash.com/Ludovico Bee)

Reported by the page National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN), the source of this meteor shower comes from comet 55P/Tempel-Tuttle. This comet orbits the Sun with a period of 33 years.

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The intensity at the zenith varies between 10-15 meteors/hour with speeds reaching 255,600 km/hour. Leonid has been active from November 6 to December 1, and peaked around November 18 in the morning.

You can see this meteor shower on November 18 at midnight from the east and fades to the north as the sun rises.

Also Read: NASA Prepares 5 Experiments for the 2024 Total Solar Eclipse

2023-11-05 13:04:00
#celestial #phenomena #November #meteor #shower

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