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Top athletes and corona: Lisa Kruger flees virus and now has time to learn Japanese

Lisa laughs when we ask where she is now. The Harderwijkse normally trains in the Amersfoort swimming pool, but that is now closed. “I went to North Groningen. That is the best option for me. My grandparents live here, they have two houses. And in one of those houses I could make my own gym. In addition, six neighbors live here on a square kilometer. I don’t meet anyone here, so I avoid that coronavirus here as much as possible. ‘

Check out what Lisa’s home-built gym looks like (text continues below video)

Exercise at home

Once in Groningen, Lisa quickly started designing her gym. ‘I can now row, cycle, do strength training and also run here. It is absolutely no problem for me to keep fit, I just do more strength training than usual now. But I must say that I miss the technique training and cycling is different from swimming. Swimming is impossible nowhere and that is quite essential for me. I usually swim about 20 hours a week, now I go to zero. “

Watch Lisa’s training sessions here (text continues below the video):

Unfair situation

And that may become a problem towards the Paralympic Games. “The whole water feeling is gone now. If we can get back in the water in a while, it will be tough. The most annoying thing is that the whole world is affected, but there are countries that have not yet taken such serious measures as we have. There are many countries that can no longer swim, but in other countries you can. That’s a fairly unfair situation. “

The Harderwijkse also does not know whether she can still train for the Games. It remains to be seen whether everything can go ahead in Tokyo. “But that is difficult to say. It now depends on how the virus develops. If it doesn’t get worse, the chances of the Games remain high. The end of August is still a long way away. It is not a ridiculously big problem if it drops out, because then everyone has the same problem. But I know that some athletes wanted to quit after the Games and then start a study. It will be a lot more difficult if the Games are moved. ”

Text continues below photo.

Photo: Omroep Gelderland

Learn Japanese

Kruger therefore wants to worry as little as possible about the Games. She does that for other things. She wants to prevent the corona virus as much as possible. “I’m currently limited in my sport, so if I also get the virus and just lie on the bed, it will go very fast. I’m really trying to avoid the virus. So I don’t meet anyone here, but I also follow the infection protocol. I am constantly washing my hands and cleaning the house. “

And when she is done with that, the nice things come. ‘I’m currently watching some series that I was putting off, I now have some time for that. In addition, I also started learning Japanese. I have always wanted to learn a language with a different script. It is an interesting language and very difficult. Primary school children in Japan cannot even read their own newspapers. Until now I didn’t have that much time to learn it seriously, I just did it with some YouTube videos, now I’m really doing my best. “

And then we have to wait until she can go back into the water. “I hope you can do that as soon as possible. I miss the water. “

Omroep Gelderland is looking for contact with his top athletes in the coming weeks. What does the seclusion do to them and how do they look ahead? That is why you can read a story with a top athlete every evening around 7 p.m.!
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