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Top 8 in Switzerland’s neighbouring countries


Wolfgang Fassbender

Side trip

Despite all the local beauty, leaving Switzerland for a few hours or days can be inspiring – for example to visit one of these summer food events in Austria, Germany, France and Italy.

The peak of culinary festivals usually begins in autumn and continues through winter and into spring. Countless guest chef events take place during this time, and the many wine festivals are almost impossible to count. Summer is a little quieter, but between the beginning of August and mid-September, gourmets who love to travel will find all kinds of attractions that focus on food, but also include wine.

Germans and Austrians in particular have established a large number of summer events, while the French prefer to use August to either go on holiday themselves or to receive guests at the seaside. However, no one needs to despair completely – and for next year you should definitely plan the Jazz festival in Marciac Culinary delights are also a focus at this music event, which unfortunately ends on August 4, 2024.

1. Culinary Paznaun: Alpine hut cuisine

From Samnaun I partly hiked and partly took the cable cars to get to the Austrian side. Ischgl’s huts and those in the surrounding area have been thinking about it again this summer and have brought their specialties together under the title «Culinary Paznaun» Specially created classics will be offered on certain dates until September 1st.

I was able to try the buttermilk chicken in the Heidelberger Hütte (it is on the program for August 10th) at the preview: It tastes excellent. Luckily, Galtürer cheese is always available, even if the three-year-old, a leftover from the Corona period, is not available in unlimited quantities.

Galtür cheese. (Image: PD)

Galtür cheese. (Image: PD)

2. Fine Food Cologne: not just Kölsch

My almost hometown is known for hearty food. On the Rhine, people eat Halven Hahn, which has nothing in common with chicken but is actually a rye roll with Gouda cheese, and drink Kölsch. But in a few weeks, a series of events, which leaves nothing to be desired even for gourmets and ranges from the grand opening to the gala dinner. It starts on 25 August. If you prefer to travel to North Rhine-Westphalia in the autumn: The Bergisches Genusstage are also worth a trip.

Cologne also has something to offer gourmets. (Image: PD)

Cologne also has something to offer gourmets. (Image: PD)

3rd Gourmet Festival Scheffau: Enjoyment at the Wilder Kaiser

Never heard of Scheffau? No problem. But on August 30th, the trip to the Austrian municipality is worth it not only for hiking and climbing, but also for tactile enjoyment. The local gourmet festival has a long tradition and does not rely on celebrity chefs, but does not forego local recipes, a good atmosphere and above-average glasses of wine. The breathtaking landscape is free anyway.

4. Schleswig-Holstein: Celebrity chefs in the north

The far north is often still pleasantly cool when the sun is burning on the Mediterranean. Of course, the journey to Schleswig-Holstein culinary event It starts in mid-September and continues well into autumn. Some of the most established chefs are involved – such as Jens Rittmeyer, who has made a name for himself far beyond Schleswig-Holstein for his sauces, or the South Tyrolean two-star chef Gerhard Wieser.

Gerhard Wieser cooks at the culinary festival in Schleswig-Holstein. (Image: Castel)

Gerhard Wieser cooks at the culinary festival in Schleswig-Holstein. (Image: Castel)

5. Culinary delights in Bochum: following in Grönemeyer’s footsteps

Currywurst is perhaps, alongside Herbert Grönemeyer’s music and the local football club, the biggest attraction in the Ruhr area city of Bochum. The festival Bochum culinary surprises with Eifel smoked salmon, Königsberger meatballs with preserved lemon or half a duck with prune sauce. Anyone who thinks that such hearty food is not suitable for summer is not familiar with the often rather mixed weather in this part of Germany. The best currywurst is of course available, not only during the festival period from 7 to 11 August, in the Dönninghaus butcher shop.

6. Stuttgart Wine Village: more than just wine

Anyone who thinks that the Swabian metropolis is all about enjoying wine, about ordering Trollinger and Lemberger, is wrong. Weindorf, which opens on August 28th and closes on September 8th, is primarily a foray into old and new Swabian cuisine, Stuttgart tapas or Mediterranean influences – and much more! I haven’t yet found out what the wine village restaurant Schillers Mitte, where two chefs trained in Michelin-starred gastronomy work, offers, but it should be exciting here.

Discover wine and cuisine in the Stuttgart wine village. (Image: PD)

Discover wine and cuisine in the Stuttgart wine village. (Image: PD)

7. La Tablée des Vignes: Celebrations in the gourmet community

It is one of those festivals that can only take place in France. Food and wine are celebrated with fabulous ease in front of an impressive scenic backdrop. Here people sit together at long tables and enjoy what Alsace has to offer: Riesling, Gewürztraminer and Muscat, including local winter wines. On the days before and after August 18th, however, the place is also worth a visit.

8. Calici di Stelle: Wine party in Tuscany

Wine, landscape and cuisine can hardly be separated in Italy – and in Tuscany certainly not. The summer wine party in Montepulciano, scheduled for August 10th, is guaranteed to be full. You just have to decide which type of tasting you want to book and whether you want dinner included in addition to the wine. Music and refreshing gelato (made with Tuscan red wine, of course) are also among the attractions.

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