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Top 8 Dietary Recommendations for a Healthy Digestive System: Boost Your Energy Levels and Improve Your Quality of Life

A difficult digestion, accompanied by bloating, constipation and abdominal pain, can have a negative impact on the quality of life, preventing us from completing daily tasks. Difficult digestion means less energy, discomfort and, by implication, more health problems.

8 dietary recommendations for a healthy digestive system | Freepik

What changes should we make in our diet, but also in our lifestyle, to keep our energy levels high throughout the day? Find out below the best recommendations for a top ten digestion:

Eat fruits and vegetables

Fruits and vegetables are extremely important in a healthy diet because they contain many nutrients and fiber, which help us maintain a strong immune system, healthy digestion and, implicitly, avoid constipation. If you have a slow bowel movement and experience constipation, then you are more prone to hemorrhoids. And if this condition is found in your medical history, it is essential to adopt one food hemorrhoids, to avoid their appearance. And drinking fluids and vegetables are the main ways to prevent constipation.

Eat whole grains and seeds

Whole grains, such as brown rice, oats, rye, are rich in fiber, which helps regulate intestinal transit and blood sugar levels, gradually release energy and keep cholesterol low. Seeds, on the other hand, are rich in vitamins, healthy fats, such as Omega-3 fatty acids, and soluble and insoluble fiber, which improve digestion. Sprinkle flax, chia, and pumpkin seeds over salads or in oatmeal, and your whole body will benefit from them.

Consume high-quality protein

Lean meat, whether we’re talking about chicken, fish, pork or beef, provides you with quality protein that helps restore energy reserves, maintain muscle mass and absorb iron into the blood. A diet where you include foods rich in iron it will help lower your risk of anemia and help you perform better at work and when you exercise. However, it is advisable not to overdo it in this regard either, because high consumption of meat, especially beef or pork, can favor the appearance of other ailments. The ideal is to eat three portions of meat per week, always accompanied by a salad or healthy cooked vegetables.

Limit sugar consumption

Instead of the daily dessert, opt for the consumption of a whole fruit, rich in fiber. A diet too rich in sugars can unbalance the intestinal flora and cause inflammation in the body. Avoid overly processed foods and sweets or try to eat them as rarely as possible. Even once a week will be better than daily.

Eat foods with probiotics and prebiotics

If you have transit disorders and face bloating, diarrhea, frequent allergies, it would be advisable to introduce prebiotics and probiotics into your diet. Eat kefir, sauerkraut, yogurt, bananas, legumes, garlic, leeks, onions, honey, soy and berries.

Cook with less oil

Instead of frying or grilling your food, choose to cook it in the oven, steam it, boil it or eat it raw whenever possible. Cooking at very high temperatures, in hot oil, leads to the creation of carcinogenic compounds, which lead to cancer.

Exercise daily

Daily movement has numerous benefits for the whole body, but also on a mental level. It helps to release serotonin and dopamine, considerably improves digestion, contributes to oxygenation of the brain, as well as to the regulation of digestion and sleep. Whether you choose a light walk after a meal or an intense hour of exercise, your body will benefit from this habit.

Reduce stress levels

Stress is one of your digestive system’s biggest enemies. A high level of stress creates the perfect environment for the onset of many digestive diseases, from gastritis to irritable bowel syndrome. That’s why it’s good to prioritize rest and avoid stress as much as possible. An effective way to manage stress is through the practice of medication.

Therefore, your digestion needs a balanced diet, rich in nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, fiber, protein and probiotics, as well as exercise and limiting stress, in order to function well. In this way, your energy level will increase and your mental state will improve considerably, so that you will face any challenge with ease.

2023-11-07 11:01:16
#dietary #recommendations #healthy #digestive #system

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