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Top 8 Causes of Baby Vomiting – Symptoms, Treatment, and When to Seek Medical Attention

Causes of baby vomiting when eating or when crying is generally normal because they have difficulty breathing and are uncomfortable. However, if you frequently vomit continuously, be aware that it could be a symptom of food poisoning or suffering from certain diseases.

Baby vomiting can be a response to exposure to certain toxic substances or chemicals.

Vomiting in babies can be a confusing and sometimes worrying experience for parents. Therefore, it is very important to understand the cause in order to provide appropriate treatment and ensure optimal health for your beloved child.

Causes of Baby Vomiting

Vomiting in babies can be caused by various factors, and often the causes are normal and do not require serious medical attention.

Following are some common causes of vomiting in babies:

1. Cow’s Milk Allergy and Lactose Intolerance

Cow’s milk allergy in babies can occur when their immune system responds to proteins in cow’s milk as a threat, causing an allergic reaction. Lactose intolerance, on the other hand occurs when a baby lacks the lactase enzyme needed to digest lactose, the sugar in milk.

Both of these conditions can cause irritation of the digestive tract, which can be characterized by frequent vomiting, diarrheabloating, or skin rash.

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2. Sensitive Vomit Reflex

Gag reflex sensitivity in babies can be the body’s natural response to certain stimuli. Babies who have a more sensitive gag reflex may tend to vomit more easily, especially when they are exposed to changes in position or mild stimuli such as loud noises or bright lights.

Although common in babies, this reflex usually subsides as they get older and their digestive systems develop.

3. Eating or Drinking Too Much and Too Fast

Babies who eat or drink too much and too quickly at one time will experience discomfort in their digestive system, resulting in potential vomiting.

Babies’ digestive systems are still developing, and their stomach capacity is relatively small. If they are fed or drank excessive amounts, their stomach may not be able to accommodate it, and in response, the baby vomits to deal with the excess pressure.

In addition, babies who drink from bottles have the potential to suck too quickly, causing the flow of milk to flow too far beyond their stomach capacity. This can cause the baby to swallow more air and stimulate the gag reflex.

4. Poisoning

Poisoning in babies can be characterized by frequent vomiting. This is a response to exposure to toxic substances or certain chemicals that enter the digestive tract.

Vomiting due to poisoning can occur if a baby accidentally eats or is exposed to dangerous materials around him, such as household cleaning agents, medicines, or poisonous plants.

Vomiting in this context can be considered as the body’s defense mechanism to get rid of harmful substances that enter the digestive system.

Although vomiting is usually the body’s natural response to toxins, if there is concern that the baby has been exposed to a toxic substance, it is important to seek immediate medical attention for proper evaluation and management.

Give food to the child gently and slowly so that he does not choke or feel nauseous.

5. Suffering from a serious illness

Some serious illnesses in babies can cause your little one to vomit continuously. The reason is because viruses or bacteria that enter can affect the digestive system or other organs.

For example, respiratory tract infections or an infection in an internal organ such as the liver or kidney can create a body reaction, including vomiting, as a way to deal with the infection.

Although this condition tends to be rare, it is important to understand that vomiting that is persistent or accompanied by other suspicious symptoms requires immediate medical attention.

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6. Pyloric Stenosis

Pyloric stenosis is a medical condition in which the outlet from the stomach, called the pylorus, becomes narrowed. As a result, it is difficult for digested food and fluids to pass from the stomach to the small intestine.

In babies, pyloric stenosis can occur due to excessive tissue growth or muscle hyperplasia around the pylorus. Common symptoms include projective vomiting (forceful, long-distance vomiting) after eating, weight loss, and dehydration.

This condition requires immediate medical attention and often requires surgery to correct abnormalities in the pylorus and restore normal function of the baby’s digestive system.

7. Gastroesophageal Reflux (GERD)

Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) in babies it is a condition in which stomach contents come back up into the esophagus more often and more forcefully than is considered normal.

In babies, the valve between the stomach and esophagus may not have fully matured, making it easier for stomach contents to come back up. This matter

can cause more frequent vomiting after eating or drinking. Although in most babies, GERD is a temporary condition and can improve over time, in some cases, medical treatment is needed.

8. Acute Gastroenteritis

Acute gastroenteritis is an infection of the digestive tract which is generally caused by viruses or bacteria. Symptoms of gastroenteritis involve inflammation of the stomach and intestines, which can cause vomiting, diarrhea, and fever.

This infection can occur through contact with contaminated water or food, or through direct exposure to someone who is already infected. Babies who have gastroenteritis may also show symptoms such as loss of appetite and abdominal discomfort.

Also read: 9 signs of dehydration in babies and the causes you need to watch out for

How to Deal with Babies Who Frequently Vomit

After the baby vomits, an important step that must be taken is to help the baby burp to prevent problems with the respiratory tract.

This method can be done by holding the baby in an upright position for 30 minutes after he breastfeeds or consumes food.

Then, place the baby’s body on your chest with his chin resting on your shoulder. Support the baby’s head with one hand and gently pat his back with the other hand.

Not only that, there are several other methods that can be applied overcome vomiting in infants:

  • When the baby has started receiving complementary breast milk (MPASI), parents are advised to give it slowly.
  • For babies who are lactose intolerant or allergic to cow’s milk, giving soybean-based formula milk can be an alternative.
  • If the baby experiences vomiting and diarrhea, give ORS and make sure the baby gets enough fluids. However, before giving ORS solution, you should consult a doctor.
  • If the baby’s vomiting is caused by pyloric stenosis, the doctor can respond through surgery to repair the structure of the pylorus muscle in the baby’s digestive tract.

If your baby is vomiting and it doesn’t get better, immediately visit the nearest Ciputra Hospital.

Ciputra Hospital offers complete health services, starting from consultations with general practitioners, pediatricians, to Medical Check Up (MCU). You can check the doctor’s schedule at Ciputra Hospital and make an appointment easily and quickly via the WhatsApp service.

Reviewed by Dr Sony Prabowo, MARS


2024-04-06 02:05:10
#Babies #Vomit #Beware #Poisoning

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