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Top 6 Natural Antibiotic Drugs – Honey, Garlic, Thyme, Oregano, Ginger, and Turmeric

KOMPAS.com – Plant extracts, essential oils, and certain foods act as natural antibiotics.

Quoting Healthline, antibiotics are effective drugs for killing and inhibiting the growth of bacteria.

Also read: Get to know Antibiotic Drugs, Their Uses, Types, and Side Effects

Penicillin is the first chemical antibiotic discovered in 1928 by Sir Alexander Fleming.

But before that, there were natural antibiotics that were used for centuries.

A small sample study of 58 herbs found that 23 of them had antibacterial and antifungal properties.

This article will briefly review the various natural antibiotic drugs.

Also read: 8 Types of Antibiotic Drugs and Their Uses

List of natural antibiotic drugs

Extracted from Healthline and KHealth, here are the types of natural antibiotic drugs that you need to know:

Honey is a natural antibiotic that has been known for its properties since 400 BC.

It is used as a topical cream to heal wounds, treat infections, and soothe burns.

Several studies have shown that applying honey to surgical wounds can speed up wound healing and reduce the appearance of scars.

Honey is sticky and moist in nature, this unique combination may help coat wounds, protecting them from dirt and contaminants while maintaining the right environment to allow tissue repair.

Also read: 5 Uses of Antibiotic Drugs in Fighting Bacterial Infections

Research has identified garlic’s antibacterial properties which help prevent bacterial infections.

Garlic concentrate can destroy bacteria in test tubes, and is even effective against MRSA (Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus) and Candida albicans, two pathogens that are increasingly resistant to conventional pharmaceutical treatments.

This natural antibiotic remedy has also been shown to be successful in treating bacterial infections caused by Salmonella and E. coli, which commonly cause urinary tract infections.

Garlic can be consumed in many forms, including raw, roasted, or marinated in olive oil to make garlic concentrate.

It can also be applied topically to wounds, but caution should be used. If the garlic you use has other contaminants on its surface, you may introduce new bacteria.

Thyme essential oil has been shown to be especially helpful against antibiotic-resistant bacteria.

In a 2011 study, researchers tested the effectiveness of lavender and thyme essential oils.

Both were tested in pools of more than 120 bacterial strains. The researchers found that thyme essential oil was more effective at killing bacteria than lavender essential oil.

This natural antibiotic remedy is for external use only. You shouldn’t drink it.

To use as a topical medication, you should mix this oil with an equal proportion of a carrier oil (such as coconut oil and olive oil).

Also read: 8 Types of Side Effects of Antibiotic Drugs You Need to Know

Oregano, a plant in the same family as mint, has potentially medicinal properties when extracted into a super concentrated essential oil form.

Oregano essential oil contains carvacrol, an ingredient that has important therapeutic properties that activate healing in the body when inhaled.

It is potentially useful for treating sinus infections and skin fungus.

To treat fungal skin infections, you need to add one drop of oregano essential oil per teaspoon of carrier oil.

You can diffuse oregano oil in the air to help clear up a sinus infection.

You should never ingest oregano essential oil or use it purely on the skin.

Before you use this natural antibiotic drug, you need to consult an expert.

The scientific community recognizes ginger as a natural antibiotic drug.

Several studies, one of which was published in 2017, show ginger’s ability to fight many types of bacteria.

Researchers are also exploring the many benefits of ginger, including fighting seasickness and lowering blood sugar levels.

Also read: Side Effects of Antibiotic Drugs in Children Parents Should Watch Out for

Echinacea is a type of flower that grows in America and Europe.

Research shows that echinacea is effective against Streptococcus pyogenes, a bacteria that can cause strep throat and toxic shock syndrome.

This was proven in laboratory tests, further studies in humans are needed.

Meanwhile, echinacea is also seen as effective for supporting topical wound healing, increasing general immunity, and dealing with bacterial infections of the respiratory system.

Turmeric has a powerful active ingredient, curcumin.

This kitchen spice was found to have anti-inflammatory properties, support the immune system, and was also shown to be effective against gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria in laboratory samples.

Curcumin is even potentially effective against MRSA and E. coli bacteria.

It also has antibacterial activity against bacteria that cause periodontal infections and dental infections.

However, this has only been demonstrated in laboratory samples, it has not been shown to cure or treat any viral or bacterial infection in human studies.

They can help you weigh the potential benefits and risks of each regimen.

It’s just that because existing research is not perfect in humans and its production is not regulated, the use of natural antibiotics tends to have more health risks.

Also read: Are Antibiotic Drugs Safe for Children?

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2023-06-12 13:30:00
#Natural #Antibiotic #Drugs #Kompas.com

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