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“Top 6 Fruit Juices for a Healthy Diet and Weight Loss”

JAKARTA – Diet is basically eating behavior that regulates the type of food. The goal is to maintain overall body health. In addition, the diet also aims to achieve or maintain a controlled weight.

The nutritional benefits of fruit juice? Fruit juice can be used as a healthy diet drink because it is low in fat and contains lots of vitamins and nutrients that the body needs. It’s very easy to make, just fruit and a juicer or blender. You can use it regularly to lose weight.

Diana Suganda M.Kes, Sp.GK as a Clinical Nutritionist revealed the claims behind detox juices to remove toxins and lose weight.

“So you must first know what detoxification is. Detox is short for detox, a process that actually happens every day,” he said.

But is it better to drink fruit juice or eat fruit straight?

“Actually, it’s just a different way of consuming it,” said nutritionist Marya Haryono in Jakarta, Wednesday, November 27 2019.

However, Marya Haryono suggested making fruit juice immediately so as not to lose the oxidized vitamins. In addition, he suggested that the dregs not be filtered and just take the juice.

“Leave the dregs intact and ready to eat,” said Marya Haryono.

“But for disease conditions (dose) can be different, because some have to reduce their fiber, some cannot eat certain fruits and so on,” he added.

For healthy people who are not at risk of developing diabetes, said Marya Haryono, there are no restrictions on consuming fruit, including fruit that contains a lot of sugar.

So it’s better to eat the fruit directly, so that the fiber in the fruit juice is not reduced.

Here’s a list of fruit juices that are good for the diet, namely:

1. Carrot juice

This type of vegetable contains only 40 kcal calories per 100 grams. When balanced with exercise, low-calorie foods can make weight loss more optimal.

Even though carrots are low in calories, they are high in fiber to keep you full longer. In addition, carrots contain beta-carotene which the body converts into vitamin A. This vitamin is very good for supporting immunity and eye health.

2. Jus bit

There are also beets which also contain lots of fiber like carrots. In addition, the calories from this one fruit are also relatively low, namely 43 kcal per 100 gram portion. Because beets provide antioxidants that are good for the health of the body because the red color comes from the beta content.

3. Spinach juice

Spinach is also a great juice option for dieters. This green vegetable is also high in fiber and water, with 22 kcal per 100 grams. Don’t forget that spinach is a vegetable that is rich in iron and other minerals that are good for bone health, such as phosphorus, magnesium and calcium.

4. Celery juice is a good juice for weight loss

Celery is 95 percent water, the rest contains various important nutrients such as fiber and 14 kcal per 100 gram serving. Celery not only keeps your stomach full longer, but is also good for consumption to help maintain digestive tract health and prevent constipation. The sugar content in this vegetable is also low, so it doesn’t accumulate fat in the body.

5. Pickle juice

In addition, cucumbers are popular as a low-calorie ingredient, which only contains 40 kcal per 100 grams. Cucumber water content is also quite high, reaching 96 grams.

Apart from being used directly, it is also good to use oranges in the form of juice. This fruit contains 53 kcal calories in a 100 gram serving.

However, this fruit is very rich in vitamin C, as well as beta-carotene and calcium which help optimize iron absorption and improve body health.

6. Jus melon

Melon is a fruit that contains a lot of water and other complete nutrients so it doesn’t get weak easily when consumed during a diet. In addition to the presence of nutrients in the form of niacin, melons help smooth the digestive system, reduce cholesterol, to convert fat and protein into energy.

Niacin is a substance that can support weight loss because it is able to convert protein and fat into energy. Therefore, try making melon into fresh juice as a refreshing diet drink.

Make juice with OL Melon Rock This yellow-fleshed fruit tastes slightly sweet and fresh. But if you want it even sweeter, try adding a little sugar or honey.

There are also pineapple, banana, pomegranate and watermelon juices which are also good diet drinks. Even if you’re on a diet, you shouldn’t neglect your health.

Saufilia Chyayaning Tyas
Binawan University Nursing Study Program Student

2023-04-24 17:13:13
#Fruits #Fruit #Juices #Nutrition

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