Home » World » Top 5 Most Popular Cat Breeds: Siamese, Korat, Egyptian Mau, Maine Coon, Norwegian Forest Cat

Top 5 Most Popular Cat Breeds: Siamese, Korat, Egyptian Mau, Maine Coon, Norwegian Forest Cat

Siamese cat

By nature, animals of this breed are very sociable, inquisitive and devoted to their master. They are also distinguished by good health, immunity and can live up to 16-20 years.

Siamese cat (photo: freepik)


The Korat was first shown at an exhibition by the National Cat Club in England in 1896 as a Siamese cat, but it did not arouse any interest.

However, today this breed is considered a national treasure of Thailand and its export is limited.

Korat has an incredibly kind nature, a sharp mind, and besides, it is a very energetic animal, moving a lot.

Korat (photo: wikipedia)

Egyptian mau

This is an ancient and mysterious breed, originating from the wild cats of Africa. Mau has a unique coloration with spots and stripes, green eyes and a graceful figure.

The Egyptian cat is very intelligent, loyal and gentle. She also has good health and adapts to different conditions, which allows her to live up to 15-20 years.


Maine day

There is a theory that these animals are descended from cats brought to America by the Vikings or later European sailors who called at New England ports in the 1700s.

By nature, they are smart, friendly and do not like to be left alone for a long time.

However, sometimes they become unpredictable and may show aggression, especially towards strangers or due to being overly assertive. Given the large size of the Maine Coon, the offender can be seriously injured.

Maine Coon cats (photo: wikipedia)

norwegian forest cat

This ancient long-haired breed is most common in northern European countries. The ancestors of Norwegian Forest cats may be black and white shorthair cats brought to Norway from Great Britain after the 11th century by the Vikings.

By nature, the animal is active, mobile. Can live indoors, but prefers to spend time outdoors. She is also friendly, so gaining her affection is very easy.

Norwegian Forest Cat (photo: wikipedia)

2023-07-21 18:31:15
#cat #breeds #existed #ancient #times

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