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Top 5 Most Disturbing Game Scenes: A Look at the Most Painful Moments in Video Games

[순정남] TOP 5 game scenes that are painful just to look at 2024.04.11 16:08 Game Mecca Reporter Ryu Jong-hwa

※ [순정남]is a corner that selects a unique theme every week and introduces games, characters, and events that fit it.

Although it varies depending on the review rating and concept, many games depict battles or actions. Hitting something and getting hit are common occurrences. However, most of them are unrealistic or arcade-like, so they don’t really touch you. In fact, when you play Tekken 8 and get hit by 7 bullets from the sky, you won’t cringe and say, ‘I feel sick just looking at this.’ Of course, there may be times when people are dumbfounded and say, ‘Is that possible?’, but it doesn’t hurt the player on the other side of the screen.

In this way, the fact that the situation inside the monitor is felt outside the screen is not necessarily proportional to the degree of violence. A representative example is the brutal finish scene in Mortal Kombat, which may be less repulsive, but feels unrealistic and distant. On the other hand, there are games that, even if the degree of injury is less, causes the viewer to experience realistic pain, such as feeling cold in the stomach and feeling pain in the same area as the character on the screen. Today, we have gathered together scenes from games that are painful just to look at, making the player feel the pain of the character on screen.

TOP 5. Sniper Elite, Crotch Shot

The ‘Sniper Elite’ series, a shooting game specializing in sniping, has many quite brutal scenes. This is because it is a game about eliminating the target in the first place, and if you succeed in sniping, the bullet pierces the body and shows how you defeated the opponent. However, because the scene is projected like an X-ray and depicted as if it were an anatomy diagram, it lacks realism. It reminds me of a human body model in a science lab, so after seeing it a few times, I quickly get used to it and focus only on killing enemies efficiently.

However, there is one scene that I cannot get used to. This scene is called a ‘crotch shot.’ So, the groin area of ​​the human body, to be more precise, the area where the testicles are located. Yes. Another name for this scene is ‘Goja Shot’. In dramas such as ‘The Savage Age’, even if a bullet passes through a bad place and becomes a eunuch, the doctor saves his life, but in Sniper Elite, there is a difference in that he dies instantly on the spot. Of course, there is a difference in destructive power between a pistol and a sniper rifle, so it seems realistic to some extent. Anyway, male gamers who are calm in other sniping scenes tend to wriggle their legs and break into a cold sweat whenever there is a crotch shot.

▲ When the crotch shot scene appears, I close my eyes tightly (Photo source: Captured by YouTube channel AFGuidesHD)

TOP 4. It Take Two, Elephant Doll Murder Scene

It Take Two is a game about a couple who has decided to divorce and becomes possessed by a child’s doll, and sets out on an adventure by working together to get back on track. Since it takes place from the doll’s perspective, most of the stages and characters in the game, as well as enemies, include toys, home appliances, tools, and small animals. The couple concludes that the child’s crying is necessary to break the spell, and they decide to get rid of the child’s favorite elephant doll, Cutie, and put it into action. Cutie, who is running away and begging for her life, is forcibly dragged out, but in the process, her legs are torn off and her ears are torn.

The game itself is intended for ages 12 and up, with no overall violent elements, and the above scene is also staged with the doll being torn apart without any expression of gore. However, the depiction of an innocent doll that speaks human language being brutally killed and white cotton flowing out from the torn parts is truly horrifying. In an overall calm game, this scene inflicts considerable emotional damage. After watching the ending, you can see that the reason why this portrayal appears is to show the scars that parents’ divorce leaves on a child, but many people expressed their displeasure at the cruel and violent depiction, asking if it was necessary to show it to this extent.

▲ Forcing the pleading cutie… (Photo source: ittakestwo.fandom.com/wiki)

TOP 3. GTA 5, Mr. K Advisor

The GTA series is a highly violent game that has caused several social problems. Most of the characters that appear in the game, including passers-by, are targets of crime, and because it deals with organized crime and the underworld, there are many people who die in the game. Therefore, most GTA users are accustomed to the cruel and heartless crime scenes in the game. However, there is one scene that makes even die-hard fans frown. This is the ‘Mr. K’ torture scene in GTA 5.

Mr. K was not a person who had done anything wrong, nor was he a loud-mouthed person, so he was willing to tell me everything if asked. However, FIB’s bad agents start with torture. From water torture to teeth pulling, eunuch making, and electric torture… the pain he suffers from this is literally conveyed vividly through the monitor. It is a completely different unpleasantness from harassing other NPCs such as mannequins. Torture in a game is so uncomfortable, but what on earth were some of the people who were actual torturers doing?

▲ Torture is truly something that cannot be suffered or done (Photo source: Captured by YouTube channel ArtKoval)

TOP 2. Heavy Rain, Ethan’s Penance

Heavy Rain is considered to have opened a new horizon for interactive games. It boasts an incredible level of immersion, giving the feeling of watching several highly completed movies. In the game, some of the main characters may die depending on the choices you make. Although there are some pretty brutal scenes in the process, the scene that really shocked gamers was not the death scene. On the contrary, although the damage may be considered light in some action or fighting games, there are parts that feel even more painful because it is extremely realistic and blatant.

The scene that gamers like the most is the penance of Ethan, one of the main characters. There is a part where he crawls through a vent full of broken glass bottles with his bare hands, and a part where he cuts off his own fingers using various tools. For reference, the amputation of the hand is also depicted in Outlast, but I personally feel that the encounter with the extraordinary in Heavy Rain’s daily life is more impactful. The damage done to the body in these scenes may not be as great as other scenes, but they make gamers hold their breath with every action and make every choice painful. As you become immersed in Ethan, who has no choice but to listen to the unreasonable and incomprehensible demands of the criminal because his child has been kidnapped, it is bound to be an even more shocking scene.

▲ There are more than one gamer who fell into despair while passing through this tunnel (Photo source: Captured from YouTube channel Gaming Since Gaming)

TOP 1. Quake 4, new modified conveyor belt

What if there is an alien civilization that treats humans like livestock? What if they do not care about human suffering and instead engage in slaughter and human experimentation? There is a scene in the game that vividly depicts this content that I don’t even want to imagine. This is the body modification room scene in Quake 4. The main character, Matthew Kane, is captured by a mid-boss and converted into a Strogg mechanical soldier. They capture living creatures, including humans, convert them into machines, and use them for all sorts of purposes. It is good enough to be used as a soldier, but with only the body remaining, it must become a biological part of a spaceship, or become an ornament and suffer eternal suffering. Then, if the renovation fails, the person, alive or dead, is thrown into the sewer.

Quake 4 shows scenes where the main character undergoes such modifications without any filtering. The process is not simply an alien coming and performing surgery, but is carried out on a conveyor belt that does not reflect humanity at all. The chair, which was fixed so that only the eyes could move, was moving, and as it happened, there was one soldier who was captured side by side right in front of them. In fear that what happened to that soldier would happen to me a little later. Watching the rotating saw blade enter the hidden part of the chair in front of me and blood splattering out… I’m just glad I didn’t get traumatized.

▲ Chainsaw in front of me! What is that! (Photo source: Captured from YouTube channel Fur Library)

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