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Top 5 Constellations: Phoenix, Pegasus, Ophiuchus, Orion, Taurus

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta – There are millions of stars in the universe. The stars gather together astrological sign. Reported from the page NASA, constellation refers to a group of stars that form a certain pattern in the sky. These stars are located far from Earth and have no connection with each other. Some of the stars in a constellation can be close together, while others are very far away.

Culturally, humans name constellations bintang under several different names. The constellations visible at night are different. This depends on the time of day or even the year. The Earth orbits the sun and that influences what humans see in the sky. Apart from that, the location also determines how to see the constellations. Currently there are 88 constellations recorded by NASA. Here are five of them.

1. Phoenix

Quoted from World Atlas, Phoenix is ​​a small constellation whose name is taken from the mythical story about the phoenix bird. This name was given by Johann Bayer who first included the phoenix in his book Uranometria in 1603. The phoenix is ​​located in the southern sky and can usually only be seen well from Australia or South Africa. Even so, this constellation has a relatively low brightness level when compared to other constellations.

2. Pegasus



In contrast to the phoenix, Pegasus is a constellation in the northern sky that is one of the 88 recognized constellations. Pegasus has the brightest star in its constellation, namely Epsilon Pegasi. The star Epsilon Pegasi is estimated to have a mass 12 times that of the sun.

3. Ophiuchus

Ophiuchus is a constellation that is close to the celestial equator. The name of this constellation comes from the Greek term “Ophioukhos” which means “Serpent Bearer.” Ophiuchus is depicted as a man catching a snake. Ophiuchus is included in the list of 48 constellations described by Ptolemy and was previously known as Serpentarius. Ophiuchus is located in the center of the Milky Way and is most visible when viewed in summer.

4. Orion

Quoted from Optics Mag, Orion is one of the constellations that can be seen by everyone and in any area. Orion is the most popular constellation. This is because the stars are almost evenly distributed in a straight line, and because 2 of the 10 brightest stars ever observed are in this constellation. The brightest stars are Betelgeuse and Rigel.

5. Taurus

The constellation Taurus is called by some people the Bull. Taurus is located directly above Orion. In addition, Taurus can be easily recognized by people who know the position of Aldebaran, the brightest star number 14 recorded in history.

From Taurus, there is an object called a Messier object. These objects are celestial bodies that were recorded by Charles Messier, a French astronomer. The constellation Taurus has two Messier objects, namely Messier 1 (the remnant of a supernova explosion known as the Crab Nebula) and Messier 45 (better known as the Pleiades).

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2023-10-11 03:07:00
#Constellations #Universe #Tekno #Tempo

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