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Top 5 benefits of tuna and how we can consume it in the diet

More and more of us are becoming interested in a healthy lifestyle, because when we feel good and have energy we can carry out so many plans! But it is quite difficult to make the best choices for us, when the day unfolds in a counter-clockwise rhythm. We offer you some handy solutions and convincing information to make healthy choices, but without disturbing your regular schedule.

Why consume tuna?

Nutritionists recommend that we include fish in our daily diet, due to the many health benefits it can bring. [2]

Tuna is a fish with a high protein content, which has “good” fats for our health, but without cholesterol.

As a nutritional intake, tuna has about 100 kcal per 100 g of product, 1 g of fat and about 24 g of protein, being rich in vitamins such as A, D, C and B-complex vitamins, in omega-3 unsaturated fatty acids, selenium, iodine, magnesium, potassium and sodium. Tuna is also a real source of phosphorus. [1]

Top 5 Benefits of Tuna Consumption

Consumption of tuna helps to protect heart health

Tuna is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which are involved in maintaining cardiovascular health.

Omega-3 fatty acids are a type of unsaturated fatty acid that plays an important role in reducing inflammation throughout the body. Inflammation can lead, among other negative effects, to damage to blood vessels, thus affecting the health of the cardiovascular system. [3]

In addition, omega-3 fatty acids reduce the risk of atherosclerosis, may help lower high triglycerides in the blood and may have an adjuvant effect in relieving hypertension, health experts say. [3]

Tuna is a real source of omega-3 acids, and can be consumed at any time of the day.

Because we often face the lack of time when it comes to preparing our meal, Rio Mare has created Insalatissimia range that combines high quality tuna with fresh vegetables and delicious cereals.

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gama rio mare salads

Designed in a diversity that satisfies all tastes, Rio Mare Insalatissime dishes are ready to serve anytime, whether we want to have lunch at the office, go on a picnic, in the park or prepare dinner or simply want a healthy and filling snack .

And if time allows and we want to cook a dish with Mediterranean flavor, Rio Mare has provided us prescription delicious and healthy, for daily inspiration.

We can thus enjoy healthy choices every day.

Consuming tuna can help us forget about fatigue and become more energetic

In an alert pace of life, fatigue can make its presence felt, and stress is also a good supporter of it. So it is no wonder that more and more people want to be more energetic and enjoy a general state of well-being, feeling stress and fatigue like lead bags carried on their shoulders, which make their activities difficult and disrupt their quality of life.

The vitamins and minerals contained in tuna help our energy system to function optimally.

For example, B-complex vitamins in tuna have been associated with a wide range of health benefits. These vitamins are directly involved in energy metabolism, while increasing the tone of the nervous system, protecting the skin and increasing the level of energy we need every day. B vitamins also act as cofactors for enzymes and accelerate these metabolic reactions, allowing them to produce energy at the rate we need. By consuming this fish regularly, we can ensure that we remain active, energetic and healthy. [4] [5]

Zinc and magnesium also support maintaining optimal energy levels and combating stress and fatigue, and these are abundant in tuna meat.

The tone – friendly with the silhouette

As we presented above, tuna is a fish rich in protein, with a relatively low calorie content and which is also not a source of cholesterol and carbohydrates. However, consuming tuna gives us satiety.

Moreover, the omega-3 fatty acids contained in tuna meat can stimulate the secretion of a hormone called leptin, with a modulating effect on the weight of copper and with beneficial implications in the management of cravings and reduction of overeating. [6]

Consumption of tuna, along with nutrient-rich vegetables and fiber-rich whole grains, are healthy choices that can help maintain optimal body weight.

Rio Mare it helps us with the healthy choices we can make in our daily diet. Along with the high quality tone content, Rio Mare welcomes us with the range Insalatissimi, which brings the flavor of Mediterranean cuisine closer to us at every meal. The Insalatissime range contains tuna dishes, fresh vegetables and cereals, ready to eat at any time, wherever we are.

So, if you are looking for healthy meals and snacks, low in calories and delicious at the same time, we suggest you try the Rio Mare Insalatissime range.

the benefits of tuna consumptionPhoto: from my point of view/shutterstock.com

Tuna consumption can prevent B12 deficiency anemia

As you have already learned, tuna meat has a high content of B-complex vitamins, which bring us many benefits to general health. In addition, tuna is an important source of vitamin B12, the deficiency of which can lead to a type of anemia called pernicious. [7]

Consuming tuna can help maintain the health of the nervous system

Tuna is a very important nutrient for maintaining the health of the nevos system. Thus, omega-3 fatty acids, but also B-complex vitamins have beneficial effects on brain health.

Consumption of tuna has been associated with improved memory, decreased risk of depression and the development of nervous system disorders.

Moreover, tuna is rich in niacin, an important component that helps keep the brain healthy and delays the premature aging of gray blood cells.

Regular consumption of tone can be helpful in supporting cognitive functions, improving memory and attention.

How often can we eat fish?

If most nutrition guides recommend eating more than a few times a week, Harvard experts answer the question, “Can we eat fish every day?

So Eric Rimm, professor of epidemiology and nutrition and director of the cardiovascular epidemiology program at Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health and professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School, tells us that for most of us, it can be healthy to eat fish in every day, especially in exchange for other types of meat. (8)

3 Quick and tasty recipes with tuna, recommended by Rio Mare

Quick salad: Insalatissime with Rio Mare tuna and texan mixture + lettuce and fresh spinach

If you like salads full of flavor and color at the same time, we recommend you try the Insalatissime Texana assortment. It contains a tasty combination of tuna, rice, red beans, black beans, carrots, green peppers, corn, red peppers, onions. This choice is ideal for those who love special flavors, because the delicious Rio Mare tuna is combined with rice and a spicy mix of vegetables.

Rio Mare Insalatissime Texana

Add this mix over a bowl in which you generously put lettuce leaves and fresh spinach. Season with salt and pepper to taste and the meal is ready!

Mexican toast with tuna

If you want a quick snack or a healthy and full breakfast, which is a source of energy for good hours, we recommend a quick toast with Insalatissime – Mexican mixture.

The salad with RIO Mare tuna and Mexican mixture contains tuna, red beans, sweet corn, carrots and hot peppers.

Rio Mare Insalatissime with Mexican mixture

Prepare a few slices of toast, rubbed with a little fresh garlic. Add the contents of Insalatissime with Mexican mixture and the snacks are ready to be enjoyed.

Tuna, lentil and orange salad

For the preparation of this salad we recommend Insalatissime with RIO Mare tuna and lentils, which contains tuna, lentils, yellow carrots, orange and red carrots.

Rio Mare Insalatissime with lentils

Add the Insalatissime dish over a bowl full of lettuce, fresh spinach leaves and orange slices that give a special flavor to your salad.

Good appetite!


  1. Tuna fish caloeries
  2. Eating fish associated with significant health benefits: pooled analysis
  3. Omega-3 in fish: How eating fish helps your heart
  4. Nutritional Quality of Raw, Precooked and Canned Albacore Tuna (Thunnus alalunga
  5. Vitamins and Minerals for Energy, Fatigue and Cognition: A Narrative Review of the Biochemical and Clinical Evidence
  6. Revisiting leptin’s role in obesity and weight loss
  7. Vitamin B12 Deficiency
  8. Is it okay to eat fish every day?

Article photo source: Sea Wave/ shutterstock.com

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