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top 3 zodiac signs with nerves of steel

Named signs that remain calm in any, even the most extreme situation.

Modern people face stress on a daily basis. Endless traffic jams, due to which it is impossible to get where you need to be on time, rudeness from random passers-by, burning deadlines – these are just a few reasons for nerves. At first glance, they are not so terrible and global, but in the aggregate they deliver a lot of unpleasant minutes and emotions. How to learn iron endurance and not succumb to the trials of fate? Astrologers say that for this you need to be born under certain signs of the zodiac. We tell you who in the zodiac circle can boast of the strongest nerves.


Representatives of the earth sign are definitely among those about whom they say: “Knew Zen”, because Taurus always looks calm and unflappable. Although why “looks”? He is like that.

For the natives of this sign, comfort plays an important role in life.

Taurus appreciates a comfortable and pleasant environment, delicious and refined food, relaxation with all the necessary amenities.

Even the very word “stress” evokes an eloquent expression on the face of the representatives of the sign. If a person or situation makes him uncomfortable, Taurus will prefer to say goodbye to them as soon as possible.


Despite the fact that Libra seems to many fragile and vulnerable aesthetes, in fact they have amazing endurance and stress resistance. They are always ready for any development of events.

In case something goes wrong, air sign natives always have a plan B.

And a few more spares, just to be sure. Libra’s friends know this and rely on them.

Libras do not like extreme situations, but if they happen to be in such a situation, they will stand firm and cheer up those around them. With their sensitivity, they are good at it.


Capricorns are real “hard nuts”. The natives of the earth sign seem to many boring bores, but in fact, under the office suit they hide armor and armor.

This sign is able to show extraordinary patience and resilience when it comes to achieving goals.

It doesn’t matter what it is about – a career advancement or a wedding – Capricorn will get his way.

Even if the representatives of the sign have to face difficulties, they will not become limp, but will draw conclusions from the current situation and take them into account for the future.

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