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Top 3 reasons why you should travel

Over the past year, travel has been restricted and for many, has felt almost impossible. This was especially true when it came to international travel. Whilst it may still be difficult to get abroad for a getaway, packing your bags, disconnecting from your regular routine and experiencing new and exciting things can be extremely beneficial to your physical and mental health.

If you needed a sign to book a getaway – here it is. Here are our top 3 reasons why you should start travelling again.

  1. It’s good for your health

According to Forbes, taking vacations can lower men’s risk of death by 21% and mortality from cardiovascular disease by 32%.

Among women, the benefits continue. For women, not going on regular vacations is associated with a higher risk of heart disease and even death. Not only this, but recent research indicates that women who go on regular holidays are shown to be happier, less stressed, depressed or tired and are generally happier in their marriages.

Even more interesting still, travelling has a positive impact on women’s long-term health which is said to be equal to getting sufficient sleep, having a good diet and not smoking.

If you ever needed an excuse to pack your bags and hop on the next train to somewhere exciting – this is it!

  1. Travelling expands your perspective and knowledge

Life can be vastly different in other places and travelling helps you experience these different cultures. Being surrounded by different people, cultures and places makes you develop a wider world view. When you travel, you begin to learn through new experiences, and you get to really put your problem-solving abilities to the test.

Learning about the local culture, dabbling in a new language, or picking up inspiration in a different place will help broaden your horizons. As a result, it’s not uncommon for your career to benefit from your time off due to a newfound sense of confidence.

  1. It strengthens your relationships

A family trip or a romantic getaway with your partner can really bring people together. Sharing experiences away from home can make a big difference and getting away from the usual routine and busy day to day life can really re-ignite a spark.

According to a recent travel survey, couples who travel together are far more likely to be satisfied in their relationships, communicate well with their partners, and share common goals. So by getting away and travelling, not only can you experience new things, you can also spend quality time with your loved ones, which is proven to have a positive impact on your relationship as a whole.

Travelling has the ability to take you out of your comfort zone and lets you immerse yourself in new experiences. Planning a trip offers the perfect way to reset your mind and body, boost happiness and expand your horizons. If you feel like you need a change, perhaps it’s time to pack your bags and embrace a new adventure.

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