Home » Technology » Top 20 Most Common Passwords of 2024 Revealed: Insights from NordPass Data Analysis

Top 20 Most Common Passwords of 2024 Revealed: Insights from NordPass Data Analysis

NordPass, the company that operates the password management application of the same name she revealed list of the most used passwords in 2024. She analyzed a 2.5TB package of leaked databases that were easily downloaded on the normal and dark web.

Then she just published the list of passwords and the number of occurrences in the 44 countries where the user accounts came from. It also mentions how long it would take to crack the crack using dictionary or brute force attacks, but does not detail what hardware this would correspond to.

NordPass has also compiled a rating for the Czech Republic, where there are eight passwords that are the same as the global one. In fact, these are numerical strings, different variations of qwerty or simply “password”. However, the Czechs also sent “passwords”, names, nicknames or favorite sports clubs. (Although “sparta” could also be candies, cigarettes or a Greek city…)

20 most used passwords in the Czech Republic

Order Password Break time The number of events
1. 123456 4 142
2. 123456789 1 747
3. 12345 1 049
4. quit 123 1 037
5. Hello 10 seconds 978
6. martin 866
7. stop 1 862
8. password 719
9. swallow 3 hours 510
10. mom 17 minutes 502
11. Michael 2 minutes 501
12. Valentine 17 minutes 495
13. Veronica 451
14. monica 2 minutes 444
15. a brush 17 minutes 441
16. martina 13 seconds 438
17. 12345678 418
18. Lenka 10 seconds 385
19. 11111 378
20. sparta 344

20 most used passwords in the world

Order Password Break time The number of events
1. 123456 3 018 050
2. 123456789 1 625 135
3. 12345678 884 740
4. password 692 151
5. quit 123 642 638
6. stop 1 583 630
7. 11111 459 730
8. 12345 395 573
9. secret 363 491
10. 123123 351 576
11. 1234567890 324 349
12. 1234567890 324 349
13. 1234567 307 719
14. 000000 250 043
15. quit 244 879
16. abb123 217 230
17. password 1 211 932
18. I love u 197 880
19. 1111 111 195 237
20. dragon 144 670
21. a monkey 139 150
22. 123123123 119 004
23. 123321 106 267
24. qwertyuiop 101 048
25. 00000000 99 292
26. Password 95 515
27. 654321 93 825
28. target 123 9 seconds 91 486
29. tink 2 minutes 90 759
30. to 12wsx 1 hour 90 465
31. 1g2w3e4r 3 hours 90 415
32. branch 123 3 hours 90 353
33. merit 5 seconds 89 971
34. 66666 85 054
35. 1q2w3e4r5t 82 021
36. Four 123 81 636
37. 987654321 81 383
38. 1q2w3e4r 80 951
39. at 123456 80 662
40. 1 gx2wsx 80 139
41. 121212 77 063
42. abbd1234 72 749
43. asdfghjkl 72 487
44. 123456a 70 235
45. 8888888 66 349
46. Step 123! 62 748
47. quit 1! 61 722
48. 112233 61 433
49. q1w2e3r4t5y6 61 385
50. football 59 656
51. quit 59 179
52. a princess 58 077
53. Four 1 57 562
54. aaaaa 57 291
55. ABCD 1234 55 617
56. Password 1 54 615
57. sun 53 355
58. 147258369 51 802
59. 1234 51 432
60. fuck you 50 828
61. Four 12 50 024
62. 123 tired 49 857
63. a computer 49 103
64. basketball 48 278
65. 159753 46 922
66. great man 46 870
67. ferry 46 028
68. lovely book 3 hours 45 949
69. pokemon 45 776
70. michael 8 seconds 45 397
71. 1234 square meters 44 938
72. 1234561 1 second 44 615
73. 888888 44 613
74. daniel 5 seconds 44 376
75. 111222 the old time 1 the 44 313
76. 1.2346E+10 44 067
77. 1qaz2wsx3edc 44 056
78. 123456789a 43 976
79. 123654 43 836
80. P@ssw0rd 43 773
81. 1234 43 377
82. Quarter1? 43 284
83. 789456123 43 200
84. 123456789 43 037
85. Quarter123? 42 991
86. q1w2e3r4 42 767
87. shadow 42 744
88. 22222 42 484
89. football 42 229
90. to 123 41 530
91. 7777777 41 347
92. 22535 41 025
93. asdasd 40 863
94. administrator 40 324
95. to kill 39 524
96. test 39 466
97. dig 38 867
98. asdf 1234 38 189
99. 1314520 28 seconds 37 694
100. 55555 36 955
101. 12341 234 36 873
102. Michelle 3 hours 36 678
103. at 123456789 36 380
104. Charles 36 251
105. a lion 36 181
106. master 35 825
107. 123 ab 35 443
108. 7758521 4 minutes 35 178
109. wow 2 minutes 34 966
110. asdfgh 34 870
111. password 123 34 844
112. stars 34 427
113. Jordan 34 326
114. jessica 7 seconds 34 244
115. 999999 34 062
116. unknown 17 minutes 33 488
117. 1q2w3e 33 323
118. 11111 33 277
119. 789456 33 139
120. Pakistan 32 924
121. 12 eggs 32 860
122. ashes 2 minutes 32 693
123. 111111111 32 321
124. Welcome 32 274
125. at 123456 31 867
126. jeweler 2 hours 31 741
127. 11223344 31 730
128. Thomas 8 seconds 31 525
129. 159357 30 543
130. asd123 30 074
131. Andrew 2 minutes 29 791
132. Nicole 2 minutes 29 700
133. Anthony 17 minutes 29 549
134. 147258 29 533
135. trust 1 29 499
136. quit 12 29 243
137. naruto 29 213
138. Jonathan 3 hours 29 059
139. hunter 28 947
140. 102030 28 689
141. basketball 10 seconds 28 591
142. change me 28 530
143. later on 28 499
144. 987654321 28 474
145. Hello 28 438
146. chocolate 3 seconds 28 339
147. sink 10 seconds 28 255
148. internet 28 072
149. samsung 27 862
150. asdfasdf 27 724
151. at 123456 27 558
152. righteousness 2 minutes 27 482
153. passw0rd 27 394
154. purple 27 175
155. showering182 27 144
156. no matter 27 072
157. g_czechout 12 days 26 998
158. a tiger 26 949
159. India 123 17 minutes 26 856
160. samantha 26 845
161. jesus 2 minutes 26 802
162. Alasdair 2 seconds 26 681
163. hannah 26 609
164. quit 26 455
165. 11111 26 308
166. andrea 2 minutes 26 240
167. minecraft 26 197
168. mat 17 minutes 26 159
169. change me 25 976
170. 123456! 1 second 25 950
171. 87654321 25 852
172. Jordan23 25 763
173. q123456 2 seconds 25 752
174. 1 coal2 25 345
175. William 17 minutes 25 294
176. 1234567891 25 277
177. 123456 123 2 seconds 24 981
178. 12344321 24 966
179. buster 24 962
180. cookie 24 926
181. girl 24 761
182. butterfly 24 691
183. baton 24 638
184. lol 123 24 476
185. qwert 24 465
186. Robert 24 299
187. summer 24 191
188. amanda 2 minutes 24 065
189. 123654789 24 009
190. aaaaaa 23 800
191. benjamin 3 hours 23 756
192. mis-space 1 3 hours 23 597
193. 33333 23 574
194. facebook 23 573
195. Chelsea 23 496
196. a family 2 minutes 23 419
197. hello 123 23 411
198. a joke 23 360
199. freedom 23 295
200. cheese 23 292

2024-11-18 15:47:00
#worst #passwords #world #Czechs #large #part

What are ⁣some of the psychological reasons that lead ⁢individuals to ​choose weak passwords despite being aware of security risks?

1. What ​are some of the most common patterns⁤ and characteristics found in these frequently ‍used passwords?

2. How do you think​ the individuals choosing these ⁤passwords perceive their security risks?

3. Based on ‌this information, what measures could be taken to improve password security?

4.⁣ Can ‌you elaborate on any ⁣potential cultural or societal factors‌ that may contribute to the ‍prevalence of weak ⁣passwords within specific populations?

5. What are some of the potential consequences of using weak ⁤passwords, both for individuals and society as a whole?

6. ​How can⁤ individuals be empowered to make more secure password choices,‍ particularly in light of the number of online accounts they may have?

7.⁢ Are there any‌ current trends ⁢or developments ⁣in password security that ⁣you find particularly concerning⁤ or promising?

8. How do you balance the⁣ need for strong passwords with ⁤the challenge of managing‍ numerous complex ​ones?⁣

9. What role might education and⁤ awareness campaigns play in addressing ‍the issue of weak​ passwords?

10. In your opinion, what are some ‍alternative methods or technologies ‍that could potentially ‌replace traditional passwords in terms of authentication and security?

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