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Top 14 Books to Read on Valentine’s Day to Celebrate Love and Beyond

Whether we like it or not, the sweet Valentine’s Day has arrived for another year. Everything is little to celebrate the other, even a good book, which can talk about love and many other issues that have nothing to do with romance, nor with what department stores ‘package’ with perfumes, massages, gastronomic dates and diamonds.

For jewels, these 14 titles that we propose this February 14: current, varied, energetic, exciting, diverse, crazy, controversial and exciting, all qualities closely related to the most universal feeling. The one that has been sung by friars (Where there is no love, put love and you will find love. Saint John of the Cross) to poets (Love is the longing to get out of oneself. Baudelaire) and philosophers (Love is the strongest of the passions, because it attacks the head, the body and the heart at the same time. Voltaire).

Probably, the list we suggest will not be able to overcome the passions left by the great love novels of all time: Madame Bovary, by Flaubert; Anna Karenina, by Tolstoy; 20 Love Letters and a Song of Despair, by Neruda; Pride and Prejudice, by Jane Austen or Love in the Time of Cholera, by García Márquez, always enduring.

But we have a renewed repertoire of our most loving wishes to give and read on Valentine’s Day:

Marta Barrio signs this new novel about the elderly. CEDIDA

1.Your eyes will not look at me again. Marta Barrio (Tusquets). Emotional story of a girl who leaves her childhood behind on the beaches of Cádiz. She has discovered her love letters between her grandparents, which will allow her to reconstruct the history of her family.

2.When we meet again. Isabel Arias (Planet). Isabelle moves to Paris. She has just lost her husband and has found a painful secret. She is almost 40 years old and her whole life, perhaps a new love, is yet to come. She is hopeful and happy.

3.Science fiction. Daniel Remón (Seix Barral). Jimena studies film at a school, where he meets the narrator of this novel about the mystery of love, with an original structure and earthly and close characters. Travel, talks, wine, movies, discussions… everything shared takes them to the future. But disappointment may also come with it.

We cross the edge of the mountain, edited by CánticoCEDIDA

4.We cross the mountain level. María De la Cruz (Canticle). This collection of poems, written by a young author (24), is an intimate journey that invites you to explore vertigo and heights, thoughts and sounds. She pulls on the urgency of memory to erase the rush.

The new novel by the Belgian Nothomb is prose and beauty at the same time.CEDED

5.Aerostats. Amélie Nothomb (Anagram). Ange is nineteen years old, lives in Brussels and studies philology. To earn some money, she decides to start giving private literature classes to a sixteen-year-old teenager. The boy’s father spies on the classes, which results in the relationship between the young teacher and her disciple becoming closer with a transformative bond.

6.Ask me for anything but love. Colleen Hoover (Planet). Tate and Miles are attracted to each other as soon as they meet. He doesn’t want love and she doesn’t have time to love, so they only have sex as an agreement. But fate could change his plans. The author of Breaking the Circle puts her finger on imperfect love relationships.

The new novel by the Icelandic writer Auður Ava Ólafsdóttir.CEDED

7.The truth about light. Auður Ava Ólafsdóttir (Alfaguara). Descended from a lineage of matrons, Dýja is what they call in Iceland “mother of light.” Her parents run a funeral home, her sister is a meteorologist: being born, dying and, in between, weathering a few storms. The best-selling author of Rosa Candida, which caused a sensation due to its profound beauty, returns with this delicate novel.

‘My years with Martha’, by the German Martin Kordic.CEDED

8.My years with Martha. Martin Kordic (Asteroid Books). ‘Jimmy’ is 15 years old and is fascinated by Martha, whose house his mother cleans. She has money, books, training and independence, everything he craves. Martha will open a desired world to her young protégé, but where is the line between selfishness and dedication?

This novel is a romantic story by Ada West.CEDED

9.A love from another era. Ada West (Rock Publishing). In the forests of New England, in the 19th century, Valentina, a young Spanish woman, will go to work there. Nothing had prepared her for the attraction she was going to feel for Jonathan Van Tassel, the heir to those lands. A highly addictive plot of jealousy, betrayal and danger.

10.Good company. María Gómez (Today’s Topics). Why do we feel so good after a hug? Why do we doubt ourselves after a negative review? How can we relate better? The young psychologist @merigopsico takes us into the formulas so that the company is always the best.

Words for Olivia hits bookstores today.Planeta

11. Words for Olivia. Nativel Preciado (Planet). The relationship between an older writer and a young failed author, hired by her to help her with her latest novel, will uncover a return to the past, not without danger. In his latest book, Preciado relives his own memories and childhood through conversations with his deceased brother to inspire Olivia: candy, pomace, snow, cats… A past splendor recovered for this book .

‘Death in common’ is awarded the Eugenio Trías awardCEDIDA

12. Death in common. Ana Carrasco Conde (Gutenberg Galaxy). This essay, awarded the II Eugenio Trías Prize, distills a great poetic structure. It takes a journey from ancient Greece to today in the field of philosophy, literature, music, and cinema to address the always latent theme of loss.

13. Two. Irene Nemirovsky (Salamandra). The beautiful and painful love story of a generation where conventionalism meets passion and fury. Death, illness, joy, lust… in a Paris between the wars, where the Ukrainian author played with the modernity of ideas and language.

In 2024, it will be 100 years since the birth of Julio Cortázar. CEDIDA

And 14. Untimely hours. Julio Cortázar (Alfaguara). It is the last book of stories published by Cortázar, in 1982, two years before he died, in which he deals with themes such as love, death and fear. The reader gradually discovers that all the stories have as their common thread the relationship of the narrator with the female character of all the stories. Very necessary in this year when the 100th anniversary of the birth of the Argentine writer is commemorated.

The Argentine writer already wrote it: “Come sleep with me: we will not make love, he will make love to us.” (Julio Cortazar).

2024-02-14 11:07:04
#books #love #heartbreak #Valentines #Day #seduce

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