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Top 14 – 3rd day: Castres snatches the draw against Bordeaux-Bègles (23-23)

the essential
The Castres had to agree to share points against the Girondins of Christophe Urios.

Castres deserved it! This Saturday, September 18, after two inaugural victories in this Top 14, the Tarnais conceded a draw at home, against Union Bordeau-Bègles, led by the former manager Castrais, Christophe Urios. 23-23 final score.

Everything started well for the CO players who led at the 13-9 break, thanks to Gaëtan Barlot’s first try of the season (7). Dominant Castres, who got the best opportunities, despite some clumsiness in touch. But the Girondins have always managed to stay in touch on the scoreboard, thanks to the kicks of François Trinh-Duc, author in particular of a drop just before the break.

In the second half, the Castres mechanics stalled. Ben Lam is the author of the first Girondin test in the 44th: the New Zealander destabilizes the Tarn defense with a low kick. He collects the ball himself to flatten it. Test validated after video assistance.

6 minutes later, Bordeaux drives home the point, by the young Cameron Woki, crossing the Castres line with great power following a ruck.

Without releasing anything, the Castres register the test of hope by Santiago Arata, recovering a ground a ball and managing to influence the Gironde defense. The Tarn are then led by only three points (23-20).

The tension is then at its height. The Castresian Ryno Pieterse is guilty of a dangerous tackle and receives a red card in the 64th. Outnumbered, the CO players manage to equalize: penalty following a forward from Jalibert. Urdapilleta does not tremble and passes a penalty over 40 meters.

A draw which allows the Tarn to stay in contact with the leading teams. Next match: Saturday, September 25 in Paris against the Stade Français (3 p.m.).

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