Jakarta –
There are various types of fruit that contain a lot of soluble fiber that can help lower cholesterol levels.
The reason is, these fruits contain fiber and antioxidants, essential vitamins, minerals, which will help manage cholesterol.
For further information, let’s look at the explanation of several examples of cholesterol-lowering fruit below!
Here are some fruits that lower blood cholesterol:
1. Pir
Reporting from Health Shots, according to chief dietitian and nutrition expert, Delnaz Chanduwadia, pears are a fruit that contains a lot of fiber.
“Fruits that are high in soluble fiber (pectin) are known to help lower cholesterol. Fiber-rich foods that can be eaten are pears,” said Delnaz, quoted from Health Shots.
Delnaz also added that the fiber content can also help lower blood pressure and make a person full longer. So, it can help to lose weight.
2. Appeal
Apples are one of the fruits that lower cholesterol because they contain soluble fiber which is very good at reducing bad cholesterol in the body.
Research in the European Journal of Nutrition revealed that study participants who ate 550 grams of whole apples a day had lower cholesterol levels.
However, apples in juice form are not recommended, because they lose too much fiber after being blended.
3. Banana
Bananas are a fruit that is rich in fiber, vitamins, important minerals and natural sugars (sucrose, fructose and glucose).
Apart from that, bananas are also a good source of potassium and fiber which helps lower cholesterol and blood pressure.
4. Avocado
Quoted from the Healthline page, avocado is a fruit that helps lower cholesterol. The reason is, avocados contain monounsaturated fatty acids, fiber and nutrients that are heart healthy and lower cholesterol.
5. Grapes
Grapes contain pectin, a soluble fiber that lowers bad cholesterol or low-density lipoprotein (LDL). Therefore, this fruit can also be consumed to lower cholesterol levels.
6. Orange
Citrus fruits contain a lot of vitamin C and fiber, which also have powerful antioxidant qualities. Citrus fruits are beneficial in lowering harmful LDL cholesterol and triglycerides, which also increases healthy high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol.
7. Strawberries
Berries can help lower cholesterol because they are rich in fiber, including strawberries. The high content of soluble fiber and low sugar in strawberries means it can lower LDL cholesterol levels.
8. Blueberry
Just like strawberries, blueberries are rich in soluble fiber to reduce bad cholesterol levels. Apart from that, blueberries also contain lots of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties.
9. Dragon Fruit
Dragon fruit contains anthocyanin which is a type of flavonoid. One of the benefits of this substance is that it can reduce total cholesterol levels.
10. Pineapple
Pineapple is a fruit that is rich in vitamins, minerals and bromelain which breaks down cholesterol in the arteries.
11. Tomato
Apparently, tomatoes are classified as fruit because they have seeds and grow from plant flowers. Similar to watermelon, tomatoes contain lycopene which reduces bad cholesterol levels.
12. Watermelon
Reporting from the CNBC page, naturally, watermelon contains lycopene which has lipid-lowering properties, which also helps lower total and LDL cholesterol.
13. Lime
Even though it is rarely eaten directly, the high content of flavonoid compounds in limes can help reduce cholesterol production levels.
You can enjoy lime by slicing it thinly, then steeping it in a glass filled with hot water for 30 minutes. Drink twice a day, morning and evening for maximum results.
That was an explanation of several fruits that can reduce bad cholesterol. Don’t forget to maintain a healthy diet by consuming these fruits, detikers.
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2023-10-21 00:00:55
#Effective #Cholesterol #Lowering #Fruits