The beginning of a new year is a great time for transformation. And this also applies to your Telegram feed, where over the past 12 months a lot of garbage has probably accumulated that is worth cleaning. But how can we fill the gap, whose emergence is inevitable after the global cleansing? In order not to remain in an information vacuum and at the same time not to litter your feed with outright garbage, subscribe to best telegram channels of 2024 according to
A selection of the coolest telegram channels that are worth subscribing to
Telegram channel for Android users
New smartphones, app reviews, useful tips and more in Telegram
First of all, I would like to remind you that the most convenient way to follow updates on our website is to subscribe to in Telegram. Here we post links to all materials dedicated to the world of Android, as well as exclusive notes. You, in turn, can take part in heated discussions of news, interesting quizzes and surveys.
All about modern technologies in Telegram
Technocat is your guide to the world of modern technology
Our site is a small part of the media group, which unites people who love everything related to modern technology. If your interests extend beyond what’s happening in the Android device market, subscribe to telegram channel Technokot. Here we post the best materials from our colleagues who write about new Apple products, scientific research and cryptocurrencies in an accessible language.
⚡ Subscribe to AndroidInsider in Zen to be the first to receive news from the Android world
Interesting infographics and statistics
Honest statistics with interpretation at your discretion
Not only modern technologies can be interesting, but also statistics. The authors convince us of this almost every day. telegram channel Rational numbers. They regularly share statistical calculations, telling, in particular, how many sunny days there were in Moscow in 2023, what social networks are popular in different countries of the world, and how the list of equipment exporting countries has changed over the past 20 years (spoiler: the USA has rolled back from 1- th place to 7th). No interpretations – just dry but interesting numbers.
Apple News and Tips
Subscribe your eplode friend to the channel
Despite the falling share of exports and the impressive growth of China, the United States remains a major technological power, as Apple constantly proves. Every year the company shows a portion of new devices that the Chinese are just trying to copy, but cannot surpass. You will be told about all the new products and rumors in Telegram channel of the website Also, the authors of the media resource will share life hacks, and you can discuss the most resonant materials and put your favorite brown emoji.
The most important life hacks for those who use Telegram on Android
Telegram channel with amazing new technology
These technological innovations will shock you
Holster from Tesla on Telegram
Apple, of course, occasionally surprises, but the technology industry is much broader. Shows all the most interesting developments Telegram channel Holster from Tesla, whose authors do not mince words, and subscribers smile, looking at how the Spanish artist lives with a hologram. Oh brave new world.
Linguistic memes and jokes
Funny and smart at the same time
We’ve been spending a lot of time on Telegram channels about technology, so it’s time to have some fun by exploring the Linguistic jokes feed. This channel contains memes and other jokes, clearly showing the versatility of the Russian language. Want to see how a down jacket literally fits? Then this is definitely the place for you!
❗ Share your opinion or ask a question in our telegram chat
Good music on Telegram
Music you’re not embarrassed to add to your playlist
You can relax differently by simply turning on good music. The authors will tell you about the hot new products outside the world of Instagram women and makans telegram channel Indie Music. They highlight the independent music industry, purged of hookah rap and pop songs of dubious quality. And that’s what you should like.
Discounts on tours and flights
Come in if you want to drop everything and go on a trip
Listening to good music makes you want to go on a trip. Doing it as cheaply as possible will help. telegram channel Samokatus. Discounts on air tickets and other delights like last-minute tours are published here. Thus, channel subscribers this week could snag tickets from Moscow to Hong Kong for only 9.5 thousand rubles, and to Cuba for less than 15!
Best products from AliExpress
Only reliable sellers and highly rated products
You can set up your own Hong Kong at home if you shop well on AliExpress. Find strange things or buy a new smartphone The authors of Ali Baba’s Chest will help you with the crazy characteristics. They share the best deals from trusted sellers every day, and you can always share your opinion on a product or ask for advice in the open comments.
+10 more cool telegram channels
Promo codes for discounts at Megamarket
No one else will tell you about these promotional codes.
Megamarket promotional codes in Telegram
AliExpress is a classic of the genre, but in the past 2023, the Megamarket marketplace made a powerful splash. Its main feature is crazy cashback, sometimes reaching up to 98%. But few people know that you can save even more on purchases if you enter Megamarket promo code. The author of the telegram channel of the same name shares secret combinations, with the help of which you will deceive the system and forget about AliExpress.
Longreads for you
Why you shouldn’t buy Xiaomi tablets. Sharing my experience
Having entered the top three most popular smartphone manufacturers in the world, Xiaomi has set its sights on conquering the tablet market, which is quite logical. Judging by the sales statistics, the relaunch of the line of such devices was successful. As the model range expands, Xiaomi tablets continue to gain popularity, and the company’s new products are often called the best alternative to the Apple iPad. But I fundamentally disagree with this opinion. And, after spending almost a month with the Xiaomi Pad 6, I’m ready to tell you why you shouldn’t buy this or any other Xiaomi tablet.
Read more How to completely legally track a person through an Android smartphone
Surveillance is illegal, but no one will stop you from finding out where a person is if he provides the data himself. If there is mutual agreement between the two parties, you can monitor the phone and see in real time where its owner is moving. In order to implement the idea, we suggest taking a look at the most common surveillance methods available on the Android operating system.
Read more Is it possible to use an Android smartphone without a SIM card
Since the days of push-button phones, we all know that a SIM card is a fundamental component, without which our means of communication turns into a useless piece of metal or plastic. After all, some older models refuse to even turn on without a small card purchased from the operator. But what about smartphones? Is it possible to use Android without a SIM card, and what restrictions will you have to face?
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