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The financial calendar
Result per 4th quarter
Asetek (08.30, webcast/tlf 10.30)
Haugesund Sparebank
Annual report
Asetek, Klaveness Combination Carriers
Japan: Current account, January (00.50)
Finland: Industrial production, January (07.00)
Sweden: GDP, January (08.00)
Sweden: Industrial production, January (08.00)
Germany: Industrial production, January (08.00)
Germany: Producer prices, January (08.00)
France: Trade balance, January (08.45)
Spain: Industrial production, January (09.00)
Italy: Producer prices, January (10.00)
Eurozone: Employment, 4th quarter (11.00)
Eurozone: GDP 4th quarter, 3rd estimate (11.00)
Canada: Unemployment, February (2:30 p.m.)
USA: Non-farm payrolls, februar (14.30)
United States: Unemployment, February (2:30 p.m.)
The most important of the month
Of all the US jobs reports this week, the most important comes on Friday. Many even claim that the report is the most important macro figure of the month.
According to Trading Economics, the consensus before the US labor market report (non-farm payrolls) points to 200,000 jobs being created outside the agricultural sector in February. The January report showed employment at 216,000.
The unemployment rate is expected unchanged at 3.7 per cent, while the consensus for (monthly) average wage growth is a fall from 0.6 to 0.3 per cent.
Hurtigruten Group: Q4 presentation (10 a.m.)
Energeia: Presentation of 2023 figures and operations, at Fearnley Securities (webcast 10.30am)
FAO: Food price index, February (10.00)
Baker Hughes: Riggtelling (19.00)
Excluding dividends
Cool Company, Okeanis Eco Tankers, Panoro Energy, Treasure
Sources: Trading Economics, Euronext, TDN Direkt, SSB, the companies
2024-03-08 05:11:02
#happening #today #Friday