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Top 10 Books that Have Left an Indelible Impression on Readers

What are you reading now?

– Right now I’m reading “16 years and Hitler’s soldier”. A strong story about a 16-year-old who enlists in Germany during the Second World War. The book gives an insight into how a whim and young desire for adventure, without fully developed consequence thinking, leads to disaster. When I wrote my last book, I read and pondered a lot about what motivates us, and why we sometimes make absolutely absurd choices. This book gives an insight into that, and also adds a dimension to who some of the front fighters were.

Which book has left an indelible impression on you?

– Here I could mention many, but the book that at least led to the most action was Bea Uusma’s “Expeditionen – min kärlekshistoria”. Well written and a thought-provoking story about the Swedish Andree expedition to the North Pole. I read it when I lived in Svalbard, and it made an impression to read about how incredibly unprepared they were, but at the same time how much strength and will we have in us when it is required. Amid the descriptions of hardship and cold, we get to read the young expedition participant Strindberg’s letter to her fiancé in Stockholm, a letter she never received. It is heartbreaking to read about the hope and longing, when you know that all three died during the expedition. The book led to a nine-year dream, and three attempts to get to Kvitøya, which I finally managed to achieve this year.

– Shocking

Who would write the book about you?

– Bea Uusma trained as a doctor in order to gain access to medical information about the Andree expedition – then you are reasonably dedicated. Besides, she writes very vividly – I put a button on Bea.

What self-help book did you read last?

– I very rarely read self-help books, but I visited a couple as research when I wrote “Courage to Dare” last year. One, “Courage as Medicine” by Lissa Rankin, certainly has many interesting points, but quickly became too bloated and spiritual for my taste.

What book have you smuggled

– I found a book on a cabin holiday in my teens. It was chosen because there was a drawing of a naked lady with a blanket strategically placed on the front. I don’t remember either the title or the author, but I do remember that there were occasional erotic touches in it. It was exciting reading for a young boy, and it was perhaps extra exciting because I felt I had to read in an alley. I think the book was otherwise quite bad – I remember very little of it.

Which novel character can’t you stand?

– I am easily affected when children are having a hard time. The girls who torment and bully Lars in Iben Akerlie’s “Lars is LOL” annoyed me violently. Lars has downs and the book should be part of the syllabus. The teachers in Bjørneboe’s “Jonas” and Alexander Kielland’s “Gift” have also provoked me.

… and which one could you sleep with?

– I’m probably mentally in a different place than sleep mode when I read books. I have read about beautiful, wise, tough and cool ladies, but then I have been more fascinated by their qualities than I have known love or desire. Boring, but true.

– Became completely obsessed

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2023-12-23 10:46:37
#completely #absurd #choices

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