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too young to suffer like this

Drama for a much loved UeD lady, she herself “close to death”. The young protagonist of the salon of sentiments of Canale 5 makes everyone worry. Here’s what happened to her.

UeD, concern for a lady of the program – BedQuotidiano.it

Anxiety and concern for a well-known face of the Canale 5 dating show, Men and women. A lady from the broadcast alarms everyone: she close to death. What a great pain! Really too young to suffer like this.

Checkers of UeD worries everyone

Although Men and women is now on standby for the usual time summer break, the protagonists of the famous Canale 5 broadcast continue to be present in the lives of the viewers who have followed for another year evolutions and sentimental events of ladies and knights, suitors and suitors, tronista and tronista of living room of the feelings of Canale 5.

UeD, the living room of love – BedQuotidiano.it

To everyone’s surprise, yet another arrives twist: a beloved face of the well-known Mediaset broadcast close to death. The protagonist of a sad episode is one famous lady of Men and Women that is told with an open heart.

His dramatic confession really scared everyone. Through his profile Instagram, the young woman let herself go to a unexpected tale which left everyone speechless. Here is who is the protagonist of a strong confession and what happened to her.

Who is the familiar face of Men and Women who alarmed everyone

Yet another twist directly from Men and Women: a beloved lady of the broadcast alarmed everyone. We are talking about Teresa Langella. The beautiful Neapolitan made herself known by viewers before her for her participation in Temptation Island in the guise of temptress and then as tronista of the most famous throne of Canale 5.

Teresa Langella
Teresa Langella – BedQuotidiano.it

In the Marian transmission met love. The charming prince of him is Andrea Dal Corso. The two, after many years, are still together and are one really solid and indestructible pair.

Teresa shares everything with her many followers and just in the last few hours she took advantage of Instagram, a social network that is for her an important means of communication with her fans, to make a truly unexpected confession: she was close to death.

La Langella told for the first time about suffer and have suffered from panic attacks since childhood. It all starts when she was 18. The former tronista claims to have spent a good part of her youth in hospital for fear of dying due to a symptomatology that initially seemed to indicate serious illness:

“I started suffering from anxiety and panic attacks, from there my life changed a lot. Do you think that in the early days I found myself at least once a week running to the hospital for these symptoms that I could not initially recognize. I was always in a rush, overactive, then at a certain point in my life something changed, symptoms that made me feel so close to death, I know these are strong words but those who have suffered from it know what it feels like “.

Luckily Teresa is now able to manage the situation better thanks also to the presence of his partner. His social story it has certainly been of help to many who follow her and who suffer from the same problem.

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