You must be 71 years old to receive the shingles vaccine. “We need to start raising awareness in the Region, perhaps with the use of a minimum of logic” the polite complaint of a lady from Alghero decidedly appalled by such management
ALGHERO – “Behind the constant exhortations to get vaccinated against the so-called “St. Anthony’s fire”,
having an age in which it is more likely to contract this virus, 76 years old, I went to the ASL to make an appointment to get the vaccine (which initially should have been free for people over the age of 65). Unfortunately the doctor I spoke to, who was also very kind and helpful, explained to me that people who are 71 years old and those with serious pathologies or who have already had an episode can have the free vaccine. for everyone otherwise the cost is a good 300 euros for the two necessary doses, not exactly a walk in the park ». “Perhaps we should sensitize the Region to review the rules perhaps use a little more logic” the polite but firm comment of the Alghero lady.