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Tonight’s prospect Adu, so don’t be a coalition of Anies supporters


The Coalition for Change, consisting of the NasDem Party, the PKS and the Democratic Party, reversed the declaration on November 10, 2022. Several issues arose as to why the coalition supporting Anies Baswedan reversed the declaration.

The reversal of the Coalition for Change’s declaration made Anies’ candidacy path steep in the 2024 presidential election. Anies himself acknowledged these difficulties on the 11th anniversary of the Nasdem Party.

“If you go on a journey there are flat roads, there are roads that go down and there are roads that go up. If you want a comfortable journey, choose a road that is flat and descends. But that road will never lead to any top,” he said the Bacapre Nasdem Party Anies Baswedan, last Friday (11/11).

I don’t know what prompted the Coalition for Change to cancel the declaration, there is no definitive answer. However, Gelora party vice-president Fahri Hamzah suspects the statement was reversed because there was no deal from the city.

“It doesn’t matter, we already know everything, the drug dealers don’t agree, the money hasn’t been collected, 20% hasn’t been collected, it’s gone bust,” said Fahri Hamzah, who is also a former PKS cadre in the Adu Prospective event, last Wednesday (9/11).

The doubts about the solidity of the Change Coalition were not only seen by Fahri, Ketum Projo Budi Arie Setiadi also saw the same thing about this coalition. He believes that there is no agreement on the coalition for change at the political level and that the presidential and vice-presidential candidates of the three parties are not connected.

“I also anticipated from the beginning that this was not going to be solid, both politically and numerically it was not connected,” Budi said last Wednesday (17/11).

The ambiguity of the ‘Change Coalition’ made Anies’ path even more difficult, even though the ticket had already been held but the parties leading it had yet to reach an agreement. So what will happen to Anies’ presidential ticket, with the coalition for change going back and forth? Could the rift between Nasdem and Democrats affect the work of the coalition? Will the PKS choose to step down and go down the road of a coalition with other parties?

Adu Perspective discusses the topic So Don’t Be Anies Supporting Coalition this time with politicians and political party observers, namely Effendy Choirie (NasDem DPP party chair), Kamhar Lakumani (Democrat politician) or Andi Mallarangeng (party secretary Upper Democratic Assembly (PD), Fahri Hamzah (MP Ketum Gelora), Muhammad Kholid (PKS spokesman) and Adi Prayitno (Director of Indonesian Political Parameters).


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