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Tonight’s Geminids meteor shower, here’s how to see it

TIME.CO, Jakarta – Meteor shower Geminidesone of the two meteor shower most active this year, peaking from the evening of December 13 to the early morning of December 14, 2022.

Geminid displays can produce over 100 meteors per hour under ideal conditions. Refer www-ecowatch-com. The flash point of the Geminids is near the constellation Gemini, but meteors can be seen everywhere in the sky. It is recommended to choose a darker place away from the moon. The advantage of the Geminids is that they can produce meteors of different colors, depending on the elements they are made of.

Baca: Geminid Meteor Shower Peaks next week, it’s about time

How to see the Geminids meteors

Quoted from nasa.gov if you want to see the Geminids meteor shower it is advisable to look in the shade of a house or an open-air tree to reduce the disturbance of the moonlight. Gemini is not very visible in the Southern Hemisphere, only visible about 25 percent of what is visible in the Northern Hemisphere.

If you want to view from the Southern Hemisphere, you need to find an area with little light pollution and facing the northern sky to increase your chances of seeing a meteor shower. The Geminids can be viewed from 9 or 10am CST on December 13. It peaks at 6am CST on December 14, but is best viewed earlier around 2am local time.

For a good view of the meteor shower, avoid cities and streetlights, bring a blanket or sleeping bag when watching the meteor showers in winter. To see the Geminid meteors, your eyes will adjust for 30 minutes to see the meteors, during which time try not to open your cell phone or other bright objects. The beauty of the Geminids meteors can be enjoyed throughout the night.

For the best view, find an area away from cities and streetlights, lie on your back with your feet facing south, and look up.

Exercise patience as it will take around 30 minutes for your eyes to fully adjust and see the meteors. Refrain from looking at the phone or other bright objects to adjust your eyes. This meteor show lasts most of the night,

Gemini doesn’t appear very high above the horizon in the Southern Hemisphere, so it will only be visible at about 25 percent of the rate seen in the Northern Hemisphere, which is between 7-10 meteors per hour.

Meteor Geminides it comes from 3200 Phaethon, a 5-kilometer asteroid in a very close orbit of the Sun. It is this tight orbit that is thought to have caused the debris to be sent out, which then crash into Earth’s upper atmosphere at 130,000 kilometers per hour.

It is harmless to the Earth, because meteor it evaporates in the atmosphere, but this is what causes the colorful meteor showers visible in the sky. However, this year may be more difficult than others to see this beautiful meteor shower, due to the erratic weather.


Read also: Here are some tips for observing the Geminids meteor shower

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