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Tommy Steine ​​led the first Senkveld broadcast ever:

The first three seasons of the talk show “Senkveld” were led by presenters Tommy Steine ​​and Hans Christian Andersen – also known as “HC”.

Already in 2001, the first season rolled on the TV screen and on Friday the very last episode of Senkveld airs on TV 2.

Steine ​​says to Good evening Norway that he thinks it is sad that the program is now closed:

FIRST SEASON: Tommy Steine ​​and Hans Christian Andersen were the first presenters in Senkveld. Photo: Bjørn Erik Larsen

– It is an era that is over, but I think those who have taken over the program have been very good, he brags.

– Impressive

Senkveld has been through three host duos: Tommy Steine ​​and «HC» Andersen, Thomas Numme and Harald Rønneberg, Helene Olafsen and Stian Blipp.

Each version of the program has had its own identity over it with its own concept, while some basic pillars have been repeated. It seems Steine ​​is nice:

– I think it is impressive that Thomas and Harald, and Helene and Stian have made this theirs. Everyone who has followed has made it their thing, he explains.

His best memory from Olafsen and Blipp’s seasons was when Olafsen told that she was pregnant.

– It was a magical moment, he says.

Nude yoga

He also never forgets when Harald Rønneberg posed for nude yoga in a video feature for the program.

– I do not think there is enough money in the TV 2 system that I would have done it, laughs Steine.

KISS: Tommy Steine ​​got a juicy kiss from singer Kylie Minogue when she visited Senkveld.

KISS: Tommy Steine ​​got a juicy kiss from singer Kylie Minogue when she visited Senkveld. Photo: Kamil Zihnioglu

From his own seasons he never forgets when he got a kiss from artist Kylie Minogue who visited the Senkveld studio. He also does not forget when partner “HC” had a boxing match with Arne Næss and clinked.

Senkveld has given Steine ​​many good memories, and he pays tribute to everyone who is behind the investment in the TV 2 program:

– I am incredibly impressed with TV 2, its “stayer” on the Senkveld concept. All homage to Bård Eriksen, program managers, producers and the programs they have created, says Steine.

Good memories from the program

Former guests at Senkveld say that they will miss both the presenters and the talk show.

– Helene and Stian had very big shoes to fill – they did it with brilliance! says stylist Jan Thomas.

He thinks the program has offered entertainment and great guests and he has several fond memories from there.

Jan Thomas especially highlights a memory from the first version of “Camp Senkveld with Helene and Stian” as his favorite.

MISS: Linni Meister and Jan Thomas will miss the talk show Senkveld and brag about the work the presenters have done.

MISS: Linni Meister and Jan Thomas will miss the talk show Senkveld and brag about the work the presenters have done. Photo: Andreas Fadum

– We should make the other team laugh. So wearing the girls’ swimsuits, and bananas in their panties, we danced and made fun that I think I remember actually working, he says.

TV profile and influences Linni Meister has been a big fan of the program and thinks it is sad that Senkveld is closing down.

She has visited the program several times and highlights two special memories:

– The best memories were riding camels with Mia Gundersen in Morocco in the Senkveld duel and when Erik Follestad and I got platinum in the middle of the broadcast for our song “Juletragedien”, says Meister.

She hopes that Blipp and Olafsen will be seen in other TV programs in the future. Kristin Gjelsvik also makes influences.

Gjelsvik thinks Senkveld is a fantastic feelgood program that has filled her Friday nights with humor, great stories and magical moments.

EAST TO WEST: Kristin Gjelsvik was one of the participants in the Senkveld battle - east to west.  She then won together with the team Vestlandet.

EAST TO WEST: Kristin Gjelsvik was one of the participants in the Senkveld battle – east to west. She then won together with the team Vestlandet. Photo: Terje Bendiksby

– It has been an honor to be a guest and be allowed to help defend Western Norway’s honor in “The Great Late Night Battle – east to west”, she says to Good evening Norway.

She says that she never forgets when they were in the studio and was told that Western Norway had beaten Eastern Norway in the battle.

– It was a fantastic Senkveld moment, she smiles.

– One of TV 2’s flagship programs

Vilde Schanke Sundet is a researcher at the Department of Media and Communication at the University of Oslo.

She thinks Senkveld has been of great importance to viewers as it has served as light entertainment at the start of the weekend:

– Senkveld has for 20 years been a faithful Friday friend for many TV viewers, she writes in an email to Good evening Norway.

SENKVELD: Researcher Vilde Schanke Sundet says that Senkveld has helped to define what talk shows should look like in Norway.

SENKVELD: Researcher Vilde Schanke Sundet says that Senkveld has helped to define what talk shows should look like in Norway. Photo: University of Oslo

She believes that Senkveld has helped to define what talk shows should look like in Norway, where they have also reflected and defined Norwegian popular culture with guests such as artists, celebrities and politicians.

– The program has also functioned as one of TV 2’s flagship programs, and it has been important in building both TV 2’s brand and a number of TV 2 profiles, she explains.

Schanke Sundet finds it fascinating that two of Norway’s most important TV talk shows end at about the same time: Skavland and Senkveld.

– It says something about today’s TV development, and that we are now in another TV era where other programs and viewer modes dominate, she says.

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