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Tommy Fredvang: – Has become a father

Artist and Stavanger comrades singer Tommy Fredvang (40) and has become a father, he reports in a post on Instagram.

“Suddenly everything changed. On April 1, we became the parents of little Ayla and we feel a love we did not know existed. Tara fought really hard for 16 hours and is the roughest person I have ever met “, Fredvang writes together with a wonderful picture of the little one.

The post was posted on Saturday afternoon and quickly got a lot of nice reactions.

– The luckiest in the world

To Dagbladet, Fredvang expresses joy at having now become a father:

– We have never been happier and feel like the luckiest people in the world, the artist writes in an SMS.

Tonje Frøystad Garvik and Lene Sleperud open up about the process they went through to get pregnant. Video: Dagbladet / Frank Karlsen
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Fredvang became a father on April 1, but shared the news the next day, which is perhaps wise considering that the day often offers a lot of deception.

– It was a long birth, so sharing the news yesterday did not really occur to us, the artist says to Dagbladet and adds:

Presence and sleep were first prize, but people might have thought that we were the meat if we had shared it yesterday.

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