Home » today » Business » Tomasz Day about acquaintance with Gienek Loska. “His wife encouraged him to start in X Factor”

Tomasz Day about acquaintance with Gienek Loska. “His wife encouraged him to start in X Factor”

The first stop was … Białystok

– We met in Krakow in 1995 thanks to my brother. He told me that he had heard a great singer and when I was in the city I saw his club concert – he recalls Dzień.

Gienek came to Poland in 1994. As his friend tells us, the first stop in Loska’s career was Białystok. – Came here with a friend on vacation. First, they started with street music. There my friend Marcin met them – recalls Tomasz Dzień. – A friend was going to study music in Krakow, and they had a plan to go to Grodno with the money they earned from playing. However, plans changed and they stayed in Poland, and then, like Marcin, moved to Kraków.

This accident could have cost a life

In those years, 20-year-old Gienek lived music. With his street performance in Krakow, he began to gain a crowd of fans. – He played at Floriańska, in the Main Square, but also in local clubs – he emphasizes. – Then I invited him to my place, to Mielec. We toured together. We were connected by music. This is how our friendship began – confesses Tomasz Dzień. Unfortunately, a few years later, the musician experienced a drama in Zakopane.

– In 1999 he had an accident. Gienek slipped and fell down the stairs. He smashed his head badly enough that he had to undergo a complicated neurosurgical operation. Part of his skull had been removed. It had a special plate inserted. For three days, we didn’t know if he would survive – confesses Dzień.

All thanks to my wife

After surgery, he returned to touring. And it was then that he decided to show himself to a wider audience for the first time in 2003. – It was then that he appeared in “Chance for Success with the VOX band. The musician won this edition, so already then people started to associate him,” the artist’s friend says in an interview with Fakt, emphasizing that Gienek avoided making media appearances.

– Gienek always defended himself against media hype, he had no pressure on glass. His wife, Agnieszka, persuaded him to appear in programs. It was she who persuaded him to participate in the X Factor, and his career went up – he adds.

Unfortunately, after some time Gienek parted ways with his wife. A new love appeared in his life – also Agnieszka. The couple shared happiness. In 2018, an unexpected blow came.

See also:

Then the drama began

It turned out that Gienek Loska suffered a massive cerebral hemorrhage. It happened in Belarus, where he went to visit his mother. Gienek underwent a life-saving operation there, after which he stayed in a coma for a long time. His health was so serious that he could not be transported back to Poland.

– When I first heard about it, I felt faint. I remember two or three days before this incident, we talked to each other. I was inviting him to my place. Unfortunately, what happened happened – he admits. Friends went out of their way to help him. They organized fundraisers to support a sick musician. Unfortunately, the artist could not be saved. He died on September 9. He was 45 years old.

– When I found out about his death, I thought in my head “It’s good that he does not have to suffer anymore” – confesses Tomasz, adding that the stroke could have been a consequence of an accident that took place in 1999.

“It was only a matter of time before I found out about his death,” he adds.

Gienek Loska quietly passed away

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