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Tomáš Hajíček has undergone surgery after a serious accident, KRUCIPÜSK cancels concerts

Bad news from camp CRUCIPUS. The leader of the band, Tomáš Hajíček, has had a serious motorcycle accident. And even though he’s out of the worst after the surgery, he won’t be back on stage anytime soon, and the band is canceling the concerts of the ongoing tour for the “Shit” album.

Today, the band informed about the current condition of its frontman on social networks, along with thanks for the support of fans, friends and colleagues, which will give him strength during his recovery. “However, one of the biggest thanks goes to the ‘guardian angel’ in the form of the emeritus mayor from Mladá Boleslav, who by sheer chance and was the first to be with Tomáš immediately after the accident and provided him with first aid until the ambulance arrived. A huge thank you also goes to all the medical staff from the ÚVN who are making sure that everything returns to normal as soon as possible.” writes KRUCIPÜSK on social networks.

“To avoid speculation, Tomáš is not to blame for the accident. That is the man in the passenger vehicle who drove into his path, and despite the fact that the uncle is a very experienced driver, the collision with the truck could not be avoided.’

I wish Spark a speedy recovery!

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