Home » today » World » Tom Johansen from “Montebello Camping” has died

Tom Johansen from “Montebello Camping” has died

TV CELEBRITY: Music lover Tom Johansen was in “Montebello Camping” and “Yes, we love camping”. Here inside the camping tent in 2015.

Reality celebrity Tom Johansen died suddenly on Wednesday evening, aged 63.


The reality star fell over and died precisely at Montebello Camping in Magnor in Hedmark, where he has had his refuge for over 20 years.

His wife Ellen Johansen (61) confirms this to VG.

– The heart failed, she says and explains that her husband has had a lot of illness.

However, the Gjøvik man is said to have been in apparently good shape earlier in the day, and was in a good mood before he suddenly fell ill.

TV viewers got to know Tom Johansen both through “Montebello Camping” and “Ja, vi elsker camping” on TVNorge.

– Many were happy with Tom

On the Facebook group Friends of Montebello Camping many remember the popular camping enthusiast after his passing.

– There are many people who know Tom, and not all of them are on Facebook, says the widow, who thinks it is therefore okay to get the sad news out.

Ellen Johansen finds it touching to read the greetings.

– It is good to know that many were fond of Tom. We celebrated our tenth anniversary as a couple on April 20, she says.

Ellen Johansen is at Montebello Camping when VG calls, and she assures that she is well looked after by friends.

– It is still a shock to me that he is gone, but I have many people around me.

CENTRAL: Tom Johansen had Montebello Camping as his second home and was a beloved figure in the community.

Tom Johansen was central to the campsite’s work in booking artists and bands for the entertainment.

On TV, he appeared as someone who always helped with practical things when needed.

– Will be deeply missed

General manager at Montebello Camping, Lars Christian Amundsen (39), tells VG that it was with great sadness that he received the news of the death of his good friend and partner.

– Tom was usually positive and enjoyed a challenge, writes Amundsen in an SMS.

He describes the deceased as “incredibly social and human”

– A great mate. Tom has been ill for many years, but managed to keep his spirits up and spread a lot of joy around him. He will be deeply missed at Montebello. and he will never be forgotten, says the camping manager, who clarifies that he speaks on behalf of everyone at Montebello.

BOSS: General manager at Montebello Camping, Lars Christian Amundsen.

«So incredibly sad. Can’t imagine Montebello without Tom around. Condolences to the family», it says in a greeting Facebook.

Another refers to Johansen as a “service man”, who treated all people equally.

«Everyone who came to the campsite as a tourist felt welcome. He drove around and asked if people were enjoying themselves.»

«Montebello will never be the same without Tom», «I will never forget the effort you have put in to give us good experiences at Montebello” and “A very inclusive man» are other words that are written.


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