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Tolikara police headquarters attacked by residents, 5 policemen injured and 1 person killed


Two people have arrived Tolikara Police Headquarters and beat up members of the National Police performing guard duties on Monday (12/19) yesterday afternoon. In that incident, there was a commotion resulting in the death of 1 person and 5 police officers were injured.

Papua Regional Police Public Relations Chief Kombes Pol Ahmad Musthofa Kamal said the incident started with a man with the initials DK and a woman with the initials YB, under the influence of alcohol they are presented at the Tolikara police headquarters for no reason to make a fuss, until finally the perpetrators beat up one of the Tolikara police guards.

“When he was about to be arrested, the perpetrator tried to escape, then the staff tried to negotiate but received another beating from the perpetrator,” Kombes Ahmad Musthofa Kamal said in his statement on Tuesday (21/12/2022 ).

Not long after, the author returned with dozens of the author’s family and friends. A number of these people came carrying sharp weapons, bows and stones and then attacked the members.

Then the members tried to disperse the mass by firing warning shots into the air and tear gas. However, the mob was spiraling out of control after receiving warning shots, the mob was said to increasingly force their way into Tolikara Police Station.

“However, this did not cause the crowd to disperse, instead it went out of control and threw stones at the members from various directions and forced its way into the courtyard by climbing over the fence of the Tolikara Police Headquarters. ‘decisive and measured action has been taken,” he said.

Kamal said as many as 5 police members, 3 residents were injured as a result of this incident. Meanwhile, 1 resident died along the way after taking firm and measured action.

“As a result of this incident, 5 Polli staff members, 3 residents were injured, 1 person died during the evacuation trip to Wamena Hospital. In addition, 4 units of Polli official vehicles were damaged and 5 windows of offices they were broken,” he said. .

“The victims, both police personnel and residents, were taken to Karubaga hospital for medical treatment,” he added.

Kamal said that currently the perpetrators of the beatings of the members have been arrested. The situation after the incident was relatively safe and favorable, but the members still kept an eye on Mako to anticipate unwanted things.

See also ‘Before Nataru, Police Arrest 24 Terrorists in West Java, Central Java-North Sumatra’:

[Gambas:Video 20detik]


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