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Tolerance up to 8% to save partitions and mezzanines. Even in seismic areas

ROMA – The “building peace” Of Matteo Salvini it’s getting larger. The construction tolerance could reach 8% in houses up to 100 square meters. And therefore no abuse if heights, surfaces, gaps and volumes are “extended” within this limit compared to the measurements indicated in the housing title. In a working document that prepares the double move of the Northern League deputy prime minister – a decree to regularize the “slight discrepancies” and a delegation to the government to review the Consolidated Building Act – there is a table that explains that the tolerance will drop to 6% for homes between 100 and 300 square metres: then down, to 3%, between 300 and 500; finally to 2% if the size exceeds 500 m2.

In the text that Republic has been able to view, the mesh becomes wider also by virtue of another hypothesis: the regulation of construction tolerances will also apply to properties “subject to environmental, landscape or historical-cultural protection and to those located in areas declared seismic”. On one condition: the acquisition of the consent documents from the competent authority.

Hypothesis that does not reassure Legambiente: «As always, when we talk about amnesties, I think we will see some good ones – reasons the president Stefano Ciafani — because, as also happened in ’85, ’94 and 2003, and for the amnesty on Ischia, we start with the announcement, but then the illegal cement mixers are immediately activated, hoping to quickly achieve that which has already been announced as condonable by the amnesty.”

Also against any hypothesis of amnesty is the president of the National Council of Engineers, Angelo Domenico Perrini: «The word amnesty should disappear from the vocabulary, both when talking about taxes and when talking about construction issues, because it means legalizing something that was carried out without the intervention of a professional, and therefore is a danger for the community ” he claims. According to Perrini, an amnesty could be admissible «only when it comes to remedying slight discrepancies in buildings tested by professionals, and declared usable by those who had the authority to do so. I am referring to variations in partitions, or the possible closure of some balconies. Considering that, however, in this second hypothesis it is not always possible to remedy the discrepancies because a favorable landscape opinion is required, which is not a given to obtain: the risk is that children and stepchildren will be created.”

Perrini also limits the data on building defects cited by the MIT to justify the amnesty operation (indicating the Order of Engineers as the source): «The 80% quota refers to another issue: when it arrived the Superbonus it was necessary to verify the conformity of the product with the project. But in Italy before the 2000s the correspondence between the project and the artefact was not particularly precise. The data therefore does not refer to the entire building stock. I believe that not even the Municipalities are able to say how many of their buildings are compliant.”

#Tolerance #save #partitions #mezzanines #seismic #areas
– 2024-04-08 08:47:26

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