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Toh, the pro immigrant mayor now no longer wants immigrants

Now he asks for an emergency. Indeed it demands it. And if the government of the Giallorossi friends won’t give it to him, it won’t matter. He will declare it alone as an angry island sovereign. A singular metamorphosis that of Salvatore Martello, better known as Totò, mayor of Lampedusa. A year ago he was a revered and compassionate progressive. Since yesterday, thanks to the arrival of a thousand migrants in the reception center of his Lampedusa, he howls against the government unable to stop them and demands military ships to move elsewhere the “wretched” who have become unwanted. There is to understand it. Making the anti-Salvini sheltered from the decrees of the bad Matteo was comfortable and elegant. In public he could spend fiery words against the minister symbol of the ungenerous and inhuman right. In his heart, on the other hand, he could laugh it safe and pleased. In order to protect his island and his reputation, the notorious security decrees and all the measures that – from the arrival of Salvini to the Interior Ministry until August 30, 2019 – were enough to drastically reduce landings. Aware of that enviable fortune, the good Totò could pose as a prophet of welcome by giving politically correct spirits. «We are here waiting for them. If they arrive they are welcome, “he repeated as he praised the landing of migrants ferried by the NGO of Luca Casarini and the social centers. And welcome to Toto was even that Carola Rackete who, in the haste to accept his invitation, did not hesitate to ram an annoying patrol boat of Finance. Besides, how can you blame him? According to him, the migrant emergency was only “ideological speculation”. “In Italy we are used to calling emergency even things that do not represent it … the real emergencies here we had them only in 2009 and 2011, that is before and after the Arab Spring”. In this enlightened supportive and humanist vision, the illiberal security decrees certainly could not find a place. Nor – let alone – “represent a deterrent against landings”. Go tell him now while the Count bis, for which Totò peeled his hands in September, does everything he can to not apply those decrees. Go and tell him while the reception center overflows, while the few tourists flee and the migrants camp on the dock. Go tell him and instead of the reception prophet you will discover a kind of migrant hunter ready to block them on the pier and demand their evacuation on military ships. And to make the poor Totò furious even more, the rudeness of a Salvini is added, dismissed as a “jester” for having dared to set foot in his Lampedusa, giving him back his past surrender. In hindsight, he is not wrong. There is no need for other Salvini in Lampedusa. Enough of the good Totò. Also because ever since the hated and useless security decrees are no longer applied, he is the most sincere and convinced enemy of all human acceptance.

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