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Together for diversity and cosmopolitanism: HTW Dresden

The rector of the TU Dresden, Prof. Ursula M. Staudinger, and Dresden’s mayor Dirk Hilbert call together to take to the streets on October 17, 2021 in Dresden for diversity, cosmopolitanism and peaceful coexistence. The university management of the HTW Dresden and the student council (StuRa) support the call.

Prof. Katrin Salchert, Rector of the HTW Dresden: “Education, science and research need openness and diversity. New insights and innovations can only arise in a pluralistic society in which there is room for discourse and in which other ways of life and opinions are not only accepted and tolerated, but are viewed and included as profitable factors. A culture of togetherness and exchange has always been a matter of course at our university. Xenophobia, violence and right-wing extremism must have no place in our minds or in our actions. This is what we stand for as a university. “

The right-wing extremist Pegida movement in Dresden wants to celebrate its 7th anniversary on Sunday, October 17, 2021. A broad civil society alliance organizes a large-scale counter-protest and calls for participation in gatherings that oppose agitation and division and promote a tolerant and cosmopolitan society.

TU Dresden students organize one of the two feeder demos. It starts at 11.30 a.m. with a rally on Fritz-Foerster-Platz and speeches by the Rector of the TU Dresden, Prof. Ursula M. Staudinger, the President of the Dresden International University (DIU) Prof. Hans Müller-Steinhagen. Together with the second mayor Annekatrin Klepsch on behalf of the mayor, as well as with students and representatives of DRESDEN-concept, you lead the demonstration. The Vice Rector for Teaching and Studies at the HTW Dresden, Prof. Anne-Katrin Haubold will also take part in the demonstration.

The main event under the motto “Show racists the way out” will take place on the Altmarkt from 1.30 p.m.

Additional Information: www.facebook.com/events/551827469221322

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