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Together for Change supported the former Macri presidential secretary, investigated in the case for alleged illegal espionage

“We want to say that we are calm, because we believe in the moral integrity of Darío and we trust that Justice will demonstrate that he is innocent”said the statement released today, entitled “United in defense of truth and transparency.”

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Along these lines, they assured that it is a maneuver by the ruling party that seeks to “thin the political climate”, while the society “is distressed by the pandemic”, with the aim of achieving “impunity” for former officials prosecuted or convicted of corruption .

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“From the beginning of the year, Kirchnerism sought in every possible way to judicially involve former Cambiemos officials in causes of corruption, with an unbridled spirit of revenge, far from seeking truth and justice”they assured.

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On the other hand, they insisted that the judicial advance of the national government occurs amid a series of “institutional abuses” such as “discrimination” against the provinces governed by Together for Change, the superpowers of the chief of staff to manage the budget and an “attempt to unconstitutional expropriation” of the Vicentin cereal company.

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He PRO, the UCR and the Civic Coalition, the three forces that make up Together for Change, highlighted that They are united in defense of democratic institutions and in putting a stop to attempts to return to a past that generated division and confrontation among Argentines.

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“As always, we believe in the rule of law and we will collaborate with the Justice in whatever is necessary, beyond any abuse or misrepresentation of the truth. And we trust that justice will finally be done ”, the text concludes.

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This week, the federal judge of Lomas de Zamora Federico Villena ordered a raid on the house of Darío Nieto, Mauricio Macri’s private secretary, as part of the case for the illegal espionage of politicians, journalists, judges, trade unionists and prisoners.

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After a stint as ad honorem advisor with Buenos Aires legislator Jorge Sanmartino, from the Recrear group of Ricardo López Murphy, Nieto got into PRO youth: he went through the Council of Children’s Rights, and from there to the office of Buenos Aires legislator Francisco Quintana . He worked with Marcos Peña in the campaign and later became Macri’s private secretary.

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Until then, the name of Nieto had not transpired in the framework of this investigation, which remains under summary secrecy.

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Villena is investigating an organization made up of members of different security agencies – the AFI, the Buenos Aires City Police and the Federal Penitentiary Service – that, along with lawyers and officials from other state powers, carried out different activities in violation of Law 25,520. .

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A part of this illicit association was dedicated to spying on political representatives or journalists. Another part of the file aims to know how detainees linked to Kirchnerism would have been monitored.

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