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Todt found an unexpected obstacle for the 2020 season in Formula 1

“Gain public interest – this is a task that we have yet to solve“. So the FIA ​​President Jean Todt answered the question of Motorsport.com about what will happen to the Formula 1 races after the pandemic. The politician pointed out an unexpected circumstance that could prevent the resumption of the 2020 season. This is the reluctance of fans to come to the race.

“Do people want to come to the Grand Prix when it all ends? – said Todt. – Do they want to come to at least some sports competitions? And to the theater? In a restaurant? To the cinema? We have to start all over again“.

Race attendance and the fullness of the stands are an important factor for the organizers of the Grand Prix, as this is the only source of income for the organizers of the races. Formula 1 usually takes all the income from sponsors and broadcasts. Under such conditions, promoters can only rely on money that they earn by selling tickets. And if no one buys tickets, the Grand Prix budgets will go negative.

Jean Todt warned that in accordance with this logic, many Grand Prix organizers may not want to host Formula 1. And this already casts doubt on the very possibility of the 2020 season. “Someone will agree to arrange a race without problems, and someone will say:” No, I will not hold the Grand Prix, ” – admitted Todt. – Still, the race is a holiday. And we may find ourselves in a situation where we have nothing to celebrate“.

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