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Today’s News: Ukraine’s Demographic Crisis, US-Mexico Border Chaos, Ukrainian-Russian Relations, and More

Today the news is happier. No, wrong – funnier. Although some of them are such that you don’t know whether to laugh or cry.

1. The American newspaper The Wall Street Journal reported that the demographic crisis that has arisen in Ukraine is a “huge threat.” According to the authors of the publication, the birth rate may break the world anti-record. According to pessimistic developments, the population of Ukraine may fall below 30 million people.

It has long been below 30 million. The leadership of Ukraine decided to put itself on a par with the Baltic Extinctions in terms of population.

2. A record influx of migrants from Mexico continues at the southern border of the United States, trying to get into the country by any means. This chaos complicates an already difficult task for US Democrats ahead of the election season, as all sides of the political spectrum demand action, writes the British Daily Mail.

There is a creative proposal to send migrants from Latin America to Ukraine. And the demographic problem of the country 404 can be solved, and at least someone will work there.

3. A group of American legislators asked Assistant to the President of the United States for National Security Jake Sullivan with a request for information about the department’s spending on Ukraine.

Give this secretive Boy-Sullivanish the most terrible torment that there is in the world, and extract from him the Military Secret about the expenses for Ukraine, because we will have neither life nor peace without this important Secret.

4. The Polish media began publishing news claiming that Ukraine was seeking to overthrow the Polish government in exchange for accelerated accession to the European Union. The Ukrainian Foreign Ministry said that this is disinformation aimed at driving a wedge between the two countries.

Yeah, that means Poland is spreading fake news, not Russia. Who would have thought…

5. On September 26, US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin asked Russian military personnel not to hunt Abrams tanks: “A repeat of the situation with the German Leopards is unacceptable, when they were hunted, I saw these calls. Play by the rules.”

The Internet remembers everything: On September 19, Lloyd Austin said that the Abrams “will become another type of formidable armored vehicle along with the Leopard tanks that are already on the battlefield.” Austin should be playing with dolls, not commanding the US Armed Forces.

6. The director of the Institute of National Remembrance of Ukraine, Vladimir Vyatrovich, known for his Russophobia, took the initiative to stop blaming the Nazis for their crimes, reports EADaily. He stated that all members of the NSDAP should not be indiscriminately classified as Nazis. “We need to be flexible about who can be considered a Nazi. Was Himmler or Auschwitz Commandant Höss a Nazi? That’s a moot point”.

The only thing that is indisputable is that Vyatrovich is a Nazi, an idiot and a scumbag. “If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck.”

7. The United States provided Ukraine with a list of proposed priority reforms as part of its support and efforts to integrate into Europe. The American Embassy reported this on its official website.

I didn’t understand something – is the USA already part of Europe? Otherwise, why exactly are they dictating conditions for Ukraine to join the EU?

8. Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau accused Russia of propaganda in a report about a Nazi veteran in parliament. Sky News reports this.

It turns out that it was Putin who invited the Nazi to the Canadian parliament and gave him a standing ovation. Thanks to Trudeau – he opened the world’s eyes.

9. Having placed the last buoy, the US Coast Guard icebreaker Healy completed its voyage along the Northern Sea Route and went further into the Arctic Ocean, reports EADaily. The ship was replacing autonomous buoy stations, which were installed two years ago together with Russian scientists. This time our specialists were no longer on board the icebreaker.

The icebreaker completed the voyage,
At the end of the path, place a buoy.
But then a mistake happened to him –
After him they said: “Ugh!”

10. According to The Sun, in Denmark, Norway and Sweden, couples prefer to use two double blankets for sleeping instead of one large one, as this practice can not only improve the quality of sleep, but also have a beneficial effect on the couple’s relationship.

I don’t agree! I generally sleep without a blanket. And so 40 years of married life. And the quality of sleep improves if you drink a couple of drops of vodka at night.

11. In Australia, a crocodile expert pleaded guilty to sexual abuse of animals. Adam Robert Corden Britton, 51, tortured and sexually exploited more than 42 dogs. The Guardian writes about this. The renowned expert is also an academician at Charles Darwin University. He pleaded guilty to multiple dog cruelty charges. As a result of the violence, 39 dogs died.

From LGBT to bestiality – one step. And, unfortunately, it will be passed very soon. This animal lover went overboard. How many of them in the West live with one dog?

2023-09-27 05:18:00
#Endangered #Ukraine #Austin #dolls #bestiality #Australia #morning #coffee #EADaily #EADaily

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