Home » today » Health » Today’s message for your vibration and clarity in the new transformative energies. Saturday, October 12, 2024 – Sfatulparintilor.ro

Today’s message for your vibration and clarity in the new transformative energies. Saturday, October 12, 2024 – Sfatulparintilor.ro

New energies bathe the planet, introducing new dimensions to us and new information is sent to us to guide the path of the new life. Here are answers from light workers and messengers from the higher realms, in translation Michael Dan.

Read Here are the messages from the previous days, updated at any time!

This is the message of the day for your enlightenment

When someone close to them breaks up with them and leaves, most people accuse that person of not keeping their promises/vows, of abandoning them, of they lied to them, that they are traitors, that they made them suffer, that they lost their lives, etc.

It does not occur to those who are “left” that their partner may have received divine guidance to leave that relationship because it is no longer beneficial to them, because they no longer enjoy it. It does not occur to those who are “abandoned” that Divinity has asked their partner to separate, because it is time for them to part, and that they should not take things personally, because that’s what it’s about. journeys of two souls who have different paths in this man’s life.

Most people are not willing to accept the idea that the relationship was temporary, that it had served its purpose and that it was time to end. Most people are not ready to accept when it is time to end a relationship, thank the other person for what they have done in their life and say goodbye in a civil way. Most people think that if the other person has decided to end the relationship, he is clearly a “bastard” / “slanderer” / “cheat” / “profiteer” ‘ in them.

They don’t understand that sometimes God sends you instructions, “This relationship is over.

Stop it and move on, because this person has played their part in your life, and their role is over.”

Understand that you are not the center of the Universe or the swamp of the earth, that no one is obliged to stay in a relationship with you until the end of your days, that the people around you make their personal choices based on what they ‘ think. convenient/beneficial for them, not why you (your ego) want it! Stop thinking that other people have to make their important choices based on your wants/convenience!

Each person has his own unique Soul Journey, independent of the Journey of others, each person receives his own divine guidance, and no one is obliged to live his life according to what is acceptable to others, no matter how close as they could be.

You are the first person who has a responsibility not to betray. So, if you live with divine guidance, when you receive the instruction to “End this relationship,” you end that relationship. (Caroline Myss)

Humanity is going through unprecedented times. We are in the middle of a process of change through which we separate ourselves from the world as we have always known it and a new world is being built under our eyes in which our activity will be from the place and energy of the heart and less. of the mind. If you live in these times on Earth, it means that your soul has chosen to participate in this special phenomenon by which the vibration of the planet increases and automatically change everything – actions, behaviors, patterns, thoughts, feelings. All must be of a higher vibration, compatible with the light codes that have been bathing the Earth for at least 2 years now. Why have many experienced and are experiencing severe crises at a personal, professional, relational and identity level? Why do many of us feel lost, without direction, while others travel the road easily? This daily article aims to bring answers and a little more clarity – as much as we have access to right now.

Source: https://www.facebook.com/dan.mihaela.503

Article date: 11/10/2024

2024-10-11 18:48:00
#Todays #message #vibration #clarity #transformative #energies #Saturday #October #Sfatulparintilor.ro

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