Start the day by discovering what the stars have in store for you: here is today’s 11 April horoscope sign by sign.
Sun and Pluto are both auspicious for you today. There is great unity of purpose with your other half, especially if you celebrate the years from March 25th to April 5th. Your crystalline honesty will be the great gift to show at work, despite Mars goading you if born between April 7 and 14.
Saturn is fully your friend and ally, as is the Moon, which promises you great satisfaction. Neptune is your ally in love, while at work you will have calm and coolness if born between April 21st and 25th.
Saturn is still hostile to those born in the first decade but luckily Venus is your friend. Venus always allows you to let go of some rigidities of your partner for your relationship. Those born between June 12 and 15 will have dissonant Neptune in the professional sphere.
Venus is arranged in a very beneficial angle for you today but the Moon, Sun and Jupiter are dissonant for those born between July 16 and 22. Come closer to your significant other today, especially if you celebrate the years from June 30 to July 9. Jupiter is also dissonant at work.
Pluto and Uranus are two enemies if born in August but Venus, Sun and Jupiter are your allies today. Those born from August 14th to 18th will have a very favorable Venus on a sentimental level, while Jupiter will give you the right strategies to make it big at work.
Saturn sulks if you were born between August 24 and 29. Uranus favors you in creating an intimate and warm dimension with your better half if you were born between August 31st and September 9th. At work, Mars favors those born in the third decade.
Venus is very cheeky today and brings you great good humor in family relationships. Moon and Neptune are in a happy love aspect, making you feel reciprocated on a sentimental level. Those born from October 2nd to 15th will have a slightly negative Mars at work and will have to work cleverly.
Saturn and Neptune enhance sensitivity, empathy and intuition today. Mars is also on your side if you were born between November 4th and 13th. Magical emotional alchemy in a couple relationship, while at work you always maintain a calm, balanced and elegant attitude.
Venus is in contrasting aspect so be careful how you relate to others. Sun is allied for erotic momentum today but Venus is a little crooked and could make your partner feel neglected. Be patient today because it’s going to be a tough day in the office.
Moon and Neptune give you creativity and imagination, with the latter also bringing you a lot of passion in love. Those born from January 5 to 14 will have a very favorable Saturn for work, as will those born in the first decade.
Venus is very kind to you today and will give you kindness and diplomacy. It will be very important to maintain constant contact with your better half, while Pluto and Jupiter support you at work if you were born between February 13 and 17.
Luna relieves you of the sporadic contrasts that have arisen today. Mars promises you sparks of passion with your significant other if born in the third decan. Neptune will give you flair and problem solving skills at work.