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Today’s horoscope, Sunday 20 September 2020 – Forecasts for all signs

Today’s horoscope

L’Horoscope for today Sunday 20 September 2020. The week has flown by and we have already arrived on Sunday. What last surprises will the stars reserve for the signs of the zodiac? Nervousness to keep at bay forAries, the Toro and theaquarium. I Gemini and the Sagittario they are finding more confidence in tomorrow. The Scorpio will be full of charm. If you want to find out more, read today’s horoscope, dedicated to all the zodiac signs.

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Today’s horoscope Sunday 20 September 2020: fire signs

Aries: according to today’s horoscope you will be a little restless, due to a problem related to work or money that has not yet been resolved. Leone: it will be a rather hectic Sunday. You may find yourself rushing and stressful. Be careful! Sagittario: you will be overflowing with optimism and good humor and will have a great desire to get involved in something new.

Today’s horoscope Sunday 20 September 2020: earth signs

Toro: you will feel irritated and annoyed by everything and everyone. Stay calm and avoid unnecessary drama! Virgin: you will feel surrounded by affection and esteem. Your hard work will finally be recognized. Capricorn: You may feel worried about your future. You will feel the need to make plans for the next few months.

Today’s horoscope Sunday 20 September 2020: air signs

Gemini: you will be a bit dazed, but more optimistic than in the past, slowly you are regaining strength and confidence in tomorrow. Weight scale: you will still be quite confused and doubtful about the future. Grit your teeth! It is only a passing moment. aquarium: you will have your nerves on the edge. Over the course of the day you may be jumping for a trifle. Be very careful!

Today’s horoscope Sunday 20 September 2020: signs of water

Cancer: you will feel more serene and well-disposed towards others. If you’ve been pretty hard on someone in the past few days, you may have some regrets. Scorpio: the Moon will be in your sign and will give you charm and energy. Take the opportunity to meet new people. Fishes: it will be a very pleasant Sunday. It’s time to focus on new projects!

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