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Today’s horoscope January 7, 2023 for all signs according to Blackbeard

Today’s horoscope January 7, 2023: here’s what Blackbeard predicts and how the positions and movements of the celestial bodies with respect to the Earth will affect all the signs.

Today’s horoscope January 7

Aries. 21/3 – 20/4

The Moon in Cancer takes away your liveliness and communication. You are taciturn, sensitive, prey to strange sensations. Watch out for purchases and delays. A monotonous Saturday. Pursue opportunities for recreation to lift your spirits and gratify your mind.

Tours. 21/4 – 20/5

The Moon makes your intuitions effective, both in the workplace and in the family. A gala dinner or the purchase of an antique. Business, activity, studies are favoured, especially for those who work in the telecommunications sector.

Twins. 21/5 – 21/6

You will take charge of some problems related to the house that you very often tend to delegate, earning the approval of your loved one. A good agreement with the partner and relative tranquility, which these days are not to be despised.

Cancer. 22/6 – 22/7

Tiring day! Couple misunderstandings, driving quarrels, possible hefty fines and lawsuits blocked by external circumstances. Keep your guard up, so as not to give rise to criticism that could lead you to make inconsiderate gestures.

Lion. 23/7 – 23/8

For many of you it is a period of professional and personal growth with excellent prospects for the future, but don’t neglect your family for your career. Organize the practical field better, you will soon see the advantages. Enjoy the company of those dear to you.

Virgin. 24/8 – 22/9

You have many people around, but you are wisely selective. Share your projects only with those who have your unconditional trust. Competition at work keeps you very busy, but in the race, don’t lose sight of your affections.

Weight scale. 23/9 – 22/10

You will not be in the best shape and mood, therefore it will be better for you to implement defensive strategies with the specific intention of saving resources. Give up tiring outings and take a break to put some order in your head, heart and home.

Scorpio. 23/10 – 22/11

The premises are excellent with the Moon in Cancer dictating the rules of the game. Chores done in record time, maximum feeling with the other half. Professional life acquires prestige without too much effort on your part. Profitable engagements.

Sagittarius. 23/11 – 21/12

If you want to decide independently, you have to accept the possibility of making mistakes. It’s making mistakes that you grow up. Some bureaucratic and fiscal hitches, matters of division or inheritance require your attention.

Capricorn. 22/12 – 20/1

A little tension due to practical and economic problems. Some setbacks within the family can put you in a bad mood. In matters of business, contracts and financial operations, let reason guide you: you will not go wrong.

Acquarium. 21/1 – 19/2

If there are some traces of negativity harboring in you, calmly get ready today to make a clean sweep of it. New experiences await you. Tired and a little distracted, you run the risk of not being able to complete your commitment on time.

Fish. 20/2 – 20/3

Put aside projects, initiatives and business to dedicate yourself totally to your loved ones. The support of a loving environment will have a rejuvenating effect. Major expenses for the renovation of the house. The headaches that keep you awake shrink

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