Today’s horoscope January 13, 2023: here’s what Blackbeard predicts and how the positions and movements of the celestial bodies with respect to the Earth will affect all the signs.
Today’s horoscope January 13th
Aries. 21/3 – 20/4
Some practical problem in the workplace will require your attention. Order and precision.
Mind the point and don’t get lost in small talk. Meditate on projects that seem unfeasible. Revised and corrected, they will have more possibilities for implementation.
Tour. 21/4 – 20/5
A heartfelt thanks to the Moon in Virgo who puts you back on track, breaking a spear in favor of common sense and concreteness. Creative projects. You work willingly, believe in what you do and don’t leave your desk until you’re done.
Twins. 21/5 – 21/6
That it won’t be a Thursday with all the trimmings can be guessed from the atmosphere, and the Moon in Virgo fully confirms the sad predictions. Home, work and domestic obligations, everything else must wait… including partners and love.
Cancer. 22/6 – 22/7
Favored by the passage of the Moon in Virgo, you will find many good reasons to work more efficiently on the professional front. If you feel the need for space and novelty, run and book a trip. Money well spent.
Leone. 23/7 – 23/8
It’s not a day with special effects, the ones you like so much, however, not a small thing, it’s cloaked in a pleasant sense of tranquility. Bravely face a clarification in the family, if you are calm and cool, you will win.
Virgin. 24/8 – 22/9
Thanks to the close association with the Sun, the Moon in your sign does not get lost in sterile fantasies. Practical sense, critical skills, efficiency. Careful managers, you take care of everything flawlessly. But what more does the partner want, sweetheart?
Weight scale. 23/9 – 22/10
You will score points in your favor by adopting confidential behaviour. Don’t give rise to the gossip that circulates in the workplace. Does an unplanned expense throw your budget upside down? To remedy this, use intelligence.
Scorpio. 23/10 – 22/11
The transit of the Sun in trine to the Moon in Virgo is enough to keep situations in good order. In practical matters today you are unbeatable. Excellent premises for the activity, especially if you are looking for contacts to promote a project you care about.
Sagittarius. 23/11 – 21/12
A touch of monotony in personal relationships: why not try to spice up your day with new encounters and interests? Be careful not to drag a professional matter into your family too. Grievances from those you love.
Capricorn. 22/12 – 20/1
With the dynamic support of the Sun, the Moon in Virgo acquires enthusiasm and confidence. Favor all initiatives in the professional field, even the most daring. Confirmations from the environment, all-round successes and beautiful serenity in relationship life await you.
Acquarium. 21/1 – 19/2
After the carousel ride of the last few days, a break to take stock of the situation. You are here: build the future from the present. Love is not a problem. Maybe it’s your stubbornness that makes it all the more difficult. Be more accommodating.
Pesci. 20/2 – 20/3
By targeting Neptune, the Moon in Virgo as a partner or partner instead of helping you muddy the waters and complicate things for you. Having to focus on work, you will tend to neglect your partner. Ready to hear his complaints?
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