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Today we are hit by mega hurricane :: wetter.at

Vienna. Hundreds of flights across Europe were canceled yesterday, and Deutsche Bahn completely stopped long-distance transport. Chaos. Today the storm “Sabine” hits Austria. With full force. Wind speeds of up to 140 km / h are possible in the mountains, in the lowlands it can be up to 120 km / h. The Home Office sent a disaster warning. The hurricane is comparable to storm low “Petra” from last week. Two people were killed in Austria.

Rain shower. The north side of the Alps will be hit particularly hard today and tomorrow. “Sabine” also brings rain and snow. Only on Wednesday does the wind ease again and the all-clear is announced.

Alert. Deutsche Bahn stopped long-distance traffic yesterday due to the increasing wind force. Flights to Salzburg Airport were canceled yesterday. Today, flight chaos threatens everywhere. Salzburg today even blocks cemeteries, parks and the Hellbrunn Zoo, while in Vienna the ice dream remains: fear of falling branches. Alarm level also at ÖBB: route teams are on standby to repair damage. Major alarm also in the ski areas. Most lifts could fail completely.


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