Home » today » Technology » Today, the Jamal gas pipeline completely stopped flowing from Russia to Germany. Europe is threatened by blackouts or serial outages

Today, the Jamal gas pipeline completely stopped flowing from Russia to Germany. Europe is threatened by blackouts or serial outages

Stock market gas price in the EU today attacks the historic price recordwhen she got up at 155 in the morning eur for megawatt-hour. The immediate reason is that Jamal gas pipeline completely stopped gas flow to the end German Mallnow node (see Bloomberg chart below). Gas pipeline leader gas with Russia, through the territory of Belarus and Poland, provides about a fifth of Russia ‘s ground deliveries gas of the EU.

The disruption of Russian supplies comes at the worst possible time. IN Europe because it blows little, so production electricity of the pinwheels limping markedly. In addition, it is relatively cold weather, which of course demand energies amplifies. France in addition to all this, he temporarily shuts down two nuclear power plants, a tenth of its own nuclear production capacity electricity, after an inspection revealed corrosion of several reactors. Germany by the end of the year, according to the plan, it will definitively cease operations of its three nuclear power plants.

Especially if frosts hit the EU in the coming weeks, it cannot be ruled out blackouty or the need for serial, region around the region, disrupting supplies electricity businesses and households. For example, Jeremy Weir, CEO of Trafigura, the world’s largest independent trader, warns against this raw materials.

Lukáš Kovanda, Ph.D.
Chief Economist, Trinity Bank


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