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Today is Television Worker’s Day: the reasons

August 12, 2024 – 08:02 By Ramiro Menacho

He National Television Worker Daycelebrated every August 12, is a date of great importance in Argentina, dedicated to paying tribute to the people who, with their daily dedication and effort, make it possible for television to reach every corner of the country. This day is an opportunity to recognize the work of those who, from behind the cameras, contribute to the creation and broadcasting of content that informs, entertains and educates the audience.

Why August 12?

The establishment of this celebration dates back to 1958, when Pope Pius XII proclaimed Saint Clare of Assisi as the patron saint of television and telecommunications. This recognition was granted based on a miracle attributed to the Saint, who, from her bed in San Damiano, was able to observe the Christmas mass celebrated in the Porziuncola, despite the distance. This event symbolizes the connection that television establishes between people, allowing them to be present at important moments, even if physically distant.

National Television Worker Day seeks to highlight the joint efforts of a multidisciplinary team that works tirelessly to bring hours of quality programming to viewers. Journalists, producers, cameramen, editors, sound technicians, lighting technicians, photographers, scriptwriters, make-up artists and many other professionals play a crucial role in this process. Each of them contributes their talent and knowledge to create programmes that not only inform and entertain, but also have the power to raise awareness and connect society.

This day is also an opportunity to reflect on the fundamental role that television plays in everyday life. Through it, people have access to news, debates, documentaries, cultural and sporting events, among other content that allows them to stay informed and connected to the world. In times of crisis, such as during the COVID-19 pandemic, television has proven to be an essential medium for communication and education, reaffirming the importance of the work of those who make it possible.

Channel 4 of Jujuy, 38 years with the people

In this context, it is important to highlight the work of Channel 4 of Jujuya medium that, since its foundation in July 1986, plays a central role in the lives of the people of Jujuy. This channel, which recently celebrated 38 years of history, has been able to adapt to technological and social changes, expanding its presence beyond traditional television to reach new audiences through digital platforms.

Throughout its history, Channel 4 has incorporated cutting-edge technology and continually improves its production to offer quality content that reflects the reality of the province and the country.

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