Home » Entertainment » Today Inside trio screams for generous ‘salary proposal’ Tina Nijkamp

Today Inside trio screams for generous ‘salary proposal’ Tina Nijkamp

Tina believes that Wilfred, René and Johan are worth millions. ‘Given their success and also in comparison with other high SBS salaries such as those of Wendy van Dijk and Gordon, for example, I think that at least 2.5 million euros per year per person, with a 3 to 5-year contract, is possible and would be deserved anyway,” Tina writes in her Instagram Stories.

Wilfred responds to it at the beginning of Inside today. “I just received an app about speculation about salaries, but if that’s true, I’ll sign up for ten years! All that aside. Tina Nijkamp has made an analysis.” Johan then jokes: “Oh, then we will work for Tina Nijkamp. A very sensible woman by the way.”

Wilfred also makes a joke of it. “He has an eye on it, doesn’t he? He understands what it’s like.” René then says in surprise: “The man?!” Wilfred then: “Yes, it’s here! Hahaha. According to Tina Nijkamp!” Johan then: “That’s actually exactly the salary I had in mind.”

Johan recently got into it Inside today still at odds with Angela de Jong. In the video below, Angela looks back at the verbal punch.

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