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Today in Rhein-Main: Gigabit connections are finally coming

Ggood evening,

When I discovered this news, I was so excited about it that I immediately decided to give it the most prominent place in the last “Hauptwache” of this week. With the help of billions in investments, new approval procedures and subsidies in the millions Hundreds of thousands of households and hundreds of commercial areas in the Rhine-Main region get fast fiber optic internet access as quickly as possible. “We are now starting the largest fiber optic project in the history of Hesse”, announced the Hessian digital minister Kristina Sinemus. The plan is that up In 2025 half of the almost 1.56 million households should have a gigabit connection – so far only around 150,000 have. By 2030, 90 percent of households and 640 industrial areas should have such fast Internet connections. Yes, it is overdue, but it is so important – and therefore good that something finally happens. Because: With only five percent fiber optic connections, Germany ranks at the bottom of an international comparison of the OECD industrial countries, while the Scandinavian and Baltic states, but also South Korea, Japan, Spain and Portugal have more than 50 percent.

At least when it comes to the airport, we are at the forefront in Europe – and here Corona has turned a lot, but far from everything, upside down. Air traffic is picking up again after the relaxation of the corona restrictions. The number of late take-offs and landings at night is still low at the largest German airport in Frankfurt. As the Hessian Ministry of Transport has announced, since the outbreak of the pandemic, the number of (actually undesirable) Night flights at Frankfurt Airport decreased. Including evacuation, rescue and survey flights, 238 landings were counted in the past year. In 2019, there were 676, more than twice as many. In addition, 214 delayed starts were registered. In 2019 there were 495. The effects of the pandemic on air traffic become clearer when looking at the figures from the first half of 2021. Only 43 delayed landings and 63 take-offs outside of regular times are reported here. Will it stay that calm? One can doubt it. The airport is allowed to hum again, but with a view to the night, the following also applies: Prohibited is prohibited.

Hauptwache – The FAZ newsletter for Rhein-Main

Weekdays at 9 p.m.


It has been three months since the police stormed the apartment of the man who is said to have written the threatening letters under the name NSU 2.0. Alexander M., a 53 year old Berliner, unemployed. One of whom the investigators say there is not only tangible evidence that he wrote the letters. His personality also indicates this. However, the case is still ongoing. Because the investigations, as the responsible chief prosecutor Sinan Akdogan says, are “complex”. There are still some unanswered questions. Above all, the investigators are following the traces of how the accused got the data of the victims. Katharina Iskandar gives an overview of the current state of affairs.

And also Frankfurt is still one of the tenants, along with Munich and Stuttgart three most expensive cities in Germany; is the Justice in Hesse returned to “normal operation” on August 1st, which means in particular that Home office largely ended will; run the Frankfurter Mainspiele until August 29th and address yourself to “Children from 1 to 90 years”.

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