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today he would be condemned for it

The humorist’s wife could not become a star.

Yuri Nikulin became close to his future wife Tatyana Pokrovskaya after he was injured during one of his circus performances. He quickly fell in love with her. Six months later, the couple got married. At first, Tatyana’s parents were against it, but then they realized that their daughter would be really happy next to the artist. However, not everything in this marriage went smoothly.

The artist’s wife accompanied him on all the shootings to take care of him. Sometimes she herself appeared in the frame, for example, in a small scene from The Diamond Hand. She was offered the role of Shurochka Azorova in the Hussar Ballad but she declined. Pokrovskaya could only count on episodic roles – and it was thanks to Nikulin’s “efforts”.

Shot from the movie “The Diamond Arm”

It turned out that the artist forbade his wife to build a career in cinema. The fact is that the continuous filming of her would not allow her to accompany him everywhere and to devote maximum time to her relatives. And the family was in the first place for Tatyana, so she did not object to her husband. Today, Yuri Nikulin would be condemned for not allowing his wife to develop and generally limiting her.

Photo source: Legion-Media

Anna Skvortsova

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