Monday, January 16 2023 – 10:14 WIB
VIVA Showbiz – The suspect case domestic violence with the victims of the artist Venna Melinda, Ferry Irawanis scheduled to be examined in his status as a suspect at the East Java Regional Police Headquarters in Surabaya today, Monday, January 16, 2023. Ferry is ready to open up about Venna’s accusations.
Ferry’s attorney, Jeffry Simatupang, emphasized that his client was confirmed to be present to fulfill the investigator’s summons today. Next scroll yes.
“This on the way (to the East Java Regional Police),” said Jeffry, contacted by VIVA via his cell phone.
Ferry Irawan
Photo :
- Instagram @nyinyir_update_official
He said Ferry was ready to reveal the true facts to investigators. According to Jeffry, much of what Venna and his lawyer, Hotman Paris, said in the media was not true.
“Our client is ready to undergo the legal process,” he said.
Jeffry objected to the information conveyed by Venna in the media, which described Ferry as violent and violent.
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“The news is too wild, (Venna says) there are beatings, abuse, as if my client is violent,” he said.